Engage in Palestine: Summer Volunteer and Internship Programs in Palestine offer a unique opportunity for students, gap year travelers, and professionals to step outside of their daily routines and embrace new challenges. The summer months are an ideal time to explore these opportunities, as they provide a chance to not only develop new skills but also enhance existing ones in a hands-on environment. Whether you’re looking to gain professional experience or simply contribute to a meaningful cause, summer internships and volunteer work in Palestine allow you to push beyond your comfort zone. By immersing yourself in a different cultural and social context, you can experience significant personal growth and find a renewed sense of purpose while making a lasting impact on the communities you serve.

In addition to personal growth, Summer Volunteer and Internship Programs in Palestine offer a chance to build practical skills that will benefit you in your career or academic pursuits. Working alongside local organizations and communities allows you to apply your knowledge in real-world situations, whether you’re involved in teaching, community development, healthcare, or other fields. The experience is not only professionally rewarding but also personally fulfilling, as you forge meaningful connections with residents and fellow international volunteers. By participating in these programs, you gain a deeper understanding of Palestine’s rich culture and history, making your summer not just an educational journey but an unforgettable experience of cultural exchange and contribution.

Summer Volunteer And Internship Opportunities In Palestine

If you are interested in fields such as social justice, community development, human rights, women’s rights, international relations, working with refugees, teaching English, or studying Arabic, then Palestine can be an incredible place to find summer volunteer programs or internship opportunities. There is a wide range of short-term internships and volunteer opportunities available in the West Bank in Palestine year-round for volunteers and interns from diverse backgrounds with diverse interests, skills, and expertise.

Volunteer work and internships in Palestine generally start from as little as one week and can last up to three months, due to the 90-day visa limit. However, the only time that many people have an extended break and can travel, study, volunteer, or intern abroad is during the summer months, from June until September, so that will be our focus here.

Keep reading to learn more about short-term summer volunteer and internship programs in Palestine.

Volunteer Or Intern With Engage In Palestine

Engage in Palestine is a well-regarded local Palestinian organization offering a range of short-term internships, volunteer programs, and Arabic courses aimed at promoting cultural connections and exchanges, language learning as well as developing individuals and communities. While there are many internships and volunteer opportunities on offer across Palestine, Engage in Palestine has over 11 years of experience running these programs and is very highly reviewed by former participants. 

One of the most popular times to join Engage in Palestine, located in the heart of Hebron, Palestine, is in the summer months from June to September. This is when the highest number of participants come together from all over the world to engage in shared learning and immersion in Palestinian culture while making positive contributions to Palestinian society. 

Our Short-Term Summer Internships And Volunteer Opportunities

Engage in Palestine offers a range of short-term summer programs, lasting from 1 to 13 weeks in a variety of different fields. They are suitable for anyone seeking a meaningful internship opportunity or volunteer program to fill their summer break.

You may learn more about each of the specific programs we provide by clicking the links in the table below.

Human Rights Internship ProgramPalestinian Laws & Legal Practices Internship
Palestine And Israel In Context InternshipThe Palestinian Culture Internship
Teach English In The West BankVolunteer With Palestinian Refugees In The West Bank 
Volunteer In Local Schools Volunteer With Palestinian Children
Volunteer In Media & Journalism In The West BankVolunteer In Medicine & Healthcare In The West Bank
Volunteer In Environment & ConservationVolunteer In A Sports Project 
Volunteer In Community DevelopmentVolunteer In Women’s Rights

Duration of Internships And Volunteer Programs

All of our short-term summer programs are flexible in duration and timing. When applying for one of our volunteer programs or internships, you can choose the start and end dates that best suit you during the summer. The minimum time that you can join us for an internship or volunteer program is 1 week and the maximum time is 13 weeks (due to the 90-day limit of Israeli tourist visas). 

However, it is sometimes possible to go to another country upon your visa’s expiration (either your home country or a third country) and return after one week or a few weeks and continue volunteering or interning for a second stint.

Flexible Booking

At Engage in Palestine, we understand that plans change, whether due to a change of heart unforeseen circumstances, or emergencies. So with all of our volunteer programs, internships, and Arabic courses, we give you the flexibility to adjust or delay your travel plans.

All of our programs have flexible start and end dates, during the application process, you can choose when to begin and when to end throughout the year and for 1-13 weeks. 

Need To Make Date Changes?

In case you need to make any date changes, you can do this for free at least two weeks before your original start date. However, if you wish to cancel or change your dates within two weeks of your original start date, any payments you have made will be converted to a credit that you can use towards any other program in the future with us, or with our sister location in Germany.

Where Is Engage In Palestine?

Engage in Palestine is located in Hebron in the West Bank, Palestine. Hebron is the largest city in the West Bank and is a bustling city where Palestinians come from all over to go shopping. The old city in Hebron is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and Hebron is also home to the famous and important Ibrahimi Mosque. On top of this however, Hebron is also a city on the frontline of the Israeli occupation and is the only city in the West Bank with Israeli settlers living inside part of the city itself. This makes Hebron a very important city, not only historically and economically, but also to see and understand the effects of the occupation. 

H1 and H2?

Hebron is divided into two parts – H1 and H2. Engage in Palestine’s center and much of the city of Hebron, including where our participants live, is located in H1, an area under control by the Palestinian Authority. This means there are no checkpoints or settlers in H1 and it is a very safe and stable area. The H2 area includes the old city and some other parts of Hebron, and this area is under Israeli military control. This means there are several military checkpoints, soldiers, and settlers in this area. Internationals can pass through these checkpoints fairly easily as long as they have their passports and visas with them.

Hebron In Reality Is Very Different From The News

It’s important to emphasize that the reality for foreign visitors in Hebron is completely different from what you might hear on the news. Many of our former participants, including women, have told us how safe and welcome they feel in Hebron and sometimes even more so than in their own home countries. While there are occasional outbreaks of violence in Hebron, they are highly localized and are very easy to avoid so long as you wish to do so. Our participants often spend their free time in the evenings getting a drink in a cafe, going for a walk or to a restaurant, or going out for some ice cream.

For Whom Is Volunteering Or Interning In Palestine In Summer For?

The summer months in Palestine draw a wide variety of people from around the world with different backgrounds and interests to join a volunteer project or take an internship. Many interns and volunteers are current students or recent graduates who wish to develop their skills and abilities and gain experience in their field of study. Others are keen on trying something new, visiting friends or family, are looking for a meaningful way to spend their time or have an interest in visiting Palestine to learn more about the Israeli occupation of Palestine.

Some volunteers and interns come to Palestine because they have personal, religious, or cultural connections to Palestine. This can include young Palestinians who were born or have grown up in the diaspora because their families were exiled by Israel.

While many types of people come to Palestine to volunteer or intern for a variety of reasons, those who do so in summer typically do so because that is when they have sufficient free time. This might be because of school or university holidays, taking a sabbatical, or otherwise being able to take time off from their job. 

Program Requirements

Generally speaking, the key requirements for any of our summer programs are to be between 18-70 years old (although there may be exceptions if approved by our director) and to be able to communicate in English at a colloquial level because all of our programs are run in English. 

Aside from that, it’s also important for all our summer participants to have a positive attitude and a willingness to learn about Palestine and be willing to work and engage with people from all over the world as well as Palestinians. 

Please note that some programs may have additional requirements. For example, if you wish to volunteer with Palestinian children, you will be required to undergo a safeguarding interview so that you fully understand your responsibility as a caretaker of children, as well as the laws and protocols in place to protect children from abuse. To volunteer in our summer Medicine & Healthcare program, it’s a requirement to have prior experience in healthcare work.

However, you ado not have to speak Arabic or to have previous teaching or travel experience.  

Volunteer And Internship Program Highlights

While Engage in Palestine offers a wide range of different short-term volunteer programs and internships in summer, which will give participants diverse experiences, there are some highlights all our programs have in common.

Key Highlights:

  • Growing new friendships with other volunteers or interns as well as students, visitors, local Palestinian residents and Engage in Palestine’s staff
  • Living in the fascinating city of Hebron and getting to experience it on a more intimate level than most tourists do
  • Immersing yourself in Palestinian culture, Palestinian Arabic, and daily life
  • Experiencing the hospitality of Palestine by participating in Engage in Palestine’s activities and during your free time
  • Learning Arabic for the first time or continuing your Arabic learning journey with many opportunities to practice and have conversations with local Palestinians
  • Take Arabic language classes at our center, in either Modern Standard Arabic, Levantine Arabic, or the Colloquial Palestinian dialect, the choice is yours!
  • Engage in Palestine’s center is staffed by highly qualified and attentive Arabic and English teachers with excellent educational backgrounds, who are eager and enthusiastic to assist you
  • Gaining firsthand experience of one of the most politically complex and dynamic regions in the Middle East
  • Gaining a deep understanding of the refugee situation in Palestine and the West Bank 
  • Participating in a range of educational, social, and community activities organized by us to provide a space for locals, Palestinian refugees, volunteers, and interns to meet, socialize, and learn
  • Joining group excursions and visits by us to a range of different culturally, politically, or historically important sites such as the old city in Hebron, Al-Shuhada Street, the keffiyeh factory, a glass and ceramics factory, refugee camps, human rights organizations, local artists and much, much more 
  • Arranging weekend trips to travel in your free time with your fellow volunteers or interns to exciting nearby destinations such as Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Ramallah, Nablus, Hebron, Tulkarem, Qalqilyah, Jenin, the Dead Sea, Jericho, Akko, Herzliya, Beersheva, Eilat, Tiberias, Netanya, Safed, Haifa, Nazareth, Tel Aviv, Masada, Amman, Aqaba and Wadi Rum.
  • Program fees cover guided tours and activities, Arabic language tuition, accommodation, breakfast, and 24/7 program assistance from pre-departure to the end of your program
  • Upon completion of your internship or volunteer program, Engage in Palestine will provide you with a certificate. 

Quick Facts About Our Volunteer And Internship Programs

Below you may find some quick key information about our short-term volunteer programs and internships. 

Location of ProgramsHebron, West Bank
Age of Participants18-70 years old
Program FocusTeach English in Palestine
Volunteer with Palestinian Children
Palestinian Refugees
Law and Human Rights
Community Development
Medicine & Healthcare
And More
Program LanguageEnglish
Volunteering Program Duration1-13 weeks
Starting/ Ending DatesParticipants can freely choose their starting and ending dates and we offer volunteer programs and internships in Palestine year-round
TimeframeShort Term 
Autumn / Fall 
Year Round
Travel TypeBudget Family Older Travelers Solo Women
Weekly CostsCheck the fees here
Accommodation in HebronPalestinian host family
Male dorm
Private (additional fees apply)
Included Arabic Lessons3 hours per week
Educational DegreeNot Required
University CreditAvailable
Application DeadlineNo Deadline
Reviews and RatingsReviews On Gooverseas.com
Reviews On Goabroad.com
Participants video testimonials
Tel Aviv Airport PickupAvailable (Fee applies)

Help Make A Long Term Difference For Palestinians And Yourself

Through all of the programs that we run from our center in Hebron, we aim to make a long-term difference for both the local Palestinian community and you through the exchange of ideas and “walking in each other’s shoes”. We ensure that all of our programs are well-researched and targeted so that they have a real impact and effectively foster shared learning. Volunteering or interning in the West Bank is not only a unique experience, but it’s also a way to have a genuine impact on the lives of Palestinians in the wider community as well as on your own. 

A Wide Range Of Positive Impacts

Volunteering or interning in the West Bank in Palestine can have a wide range of positive impacts on your personal and professional lives as well as in the lives of others. It will allow you to contribute to the local Palestinian community, who suffer in many unimaginable ways due to the Israeli occupation, although this may not always be visible to international visitors. On top of that, interning or volunteering abroad can greatly impact who you are as a person and open your mind to new perspectives, new information, new opportunities, and new friends. 

Personal Development

This opportunity to live and travel in a different country during summer, particularly one as fascinating as Palestine, allows you to become more independent, more adept at problem-solving, get to know yourself better as well as become more culturally sensitive and adaptable. Prospective employers like to see that job candidates have the ability to adapt to new situations, work well under pressure, and deal successfully with challenges. These are just some of the transferrable skills you can gain or hone during your time volunteering or interning with us in Hebron. 

Gain Valuable Skills While Positively Impacting The Lives Of Palestinians

In addition, you will also be able to gain specific valuable skills related to your chosen field or profession while having a positive impact on the Palestinians that you engage with. For example, volunteers who teach English in the West Bank will be able to gain teaching, classroom management, and lesson planning skills that will help them become more proficient and confident as teachers. Not only this but as a volunteer English teacher, you will be able to have a direct, positive impact on your Palestinian students by giving them much-needed English practice with fluent or native speakers and inspiring them to become more confident. 

Volunteer with Palestinian Refugees

While Engage in Palestine offers a specific volunteer program for anyone with an interest or passion in working with refugees and making a meaningful impact, all of our internships and volunteer programs, offer the chance to work with Palestinian refugees and learn about their situation. 

Palestinian Refugees In The West Bank, Gaza and Diaspora

The ongoing Occupation has created a very significant refugee population both inside Palestine and outside of Palestine. Palestinian refugees are not only the largest group of refugees in the world but are also the longest suffering. About 64% of Gaza’s population and 26% of the West Bank’s population are internally displaced Palestinians who are originally from other areas in historic Palestine such as Yaffa, Haifa, and Al-Naqab. In the diaspora, there are around 7 million Palestinians, most of whom are exiled and denied their right to return to their homeland by Israel. Many refugees in the diaspora are still living in refugee camps in Syria, Jordan, or Lebanon.

Opportunities To Engage With Palestinian Refugees 

In all of our volunteer and internship programs, volunteers and interns will have the opportunity to engage with Palestinian refugees in the local Hebron area in refugee camps such as Al-Fawwar and Al-Aroub camps. Volunteers and interns will get to visit a refugee camp and have the chance to work on projects to aid and benefit refugees there. This might include teaching English to refugee children or running workshops to enhance the employability of refugee youth and students. It could also include meeting with the local community to learn about their situation and ways in which you can help or a range of other activities. If you have specific initiatives or activities you wish to implement during your program, we are always open to your ideas.   

Children in Palestine

Nearly half (43.9%) of the Palestinian population inside of Palestine is made of children under the age of 18, 41.7% in the West Bank and 47.3% in Gaza. This means that there are many young people in Palestine who not only have all the pressure of growing up, but they are growing up under Israeli occupation. Palestinian children are the future, so it is particularly important to care about them, support their development, and empower them to create better futures for themselves and their country.  

Volunteer With Palestinian Children

While Engage in Palestine has a dedicated volunteer program to volunteer with Palestinian children, there are other opportunities to volunteer with Palestinian children in any of our programs. For example, if you volunteer to teach English in the West Bank, the majority of your students will be children of different ages. Or if you wish to volunteer in community development in Palestine, you can choose whether you want to develop projects targeted to Palestinian children, youth, adults, or another segment of the Palestinian community. For anyone who takes our human rights or law internship, you may also wish to have a focus on children’s rights and the laws that affect them. 

Choosing to Engage In Palestine For Your Internship Or Volunteer Program Has Many Benefits

Interning or volunteering in the West Bank with Engage in Palestine has several benefits, several of which have already been discussed in this article. There are several other key benefits and inclusions which are outlined below.

We Organize Your Accommodation

Engage in Palestine provides accommodation for all of our international interns and volunteers throughout their short-term programs. This makes it much easier and less stressful for you to volunteer or intern as you have less to worry about and arrange. 

Our female participants generally live with a local Palestinian host family while in most cases, male participants will share an all-male dorm organized by us. It is often a challenge to place male students with a Palestinian host family, due to the conservative nature of Hebron, however it can be possible occasionally. If you are interested in this option, let us know as early as possible. 

An alternate option is private accommodation, which we can arrange for you for an additional cost.

We Provide Breakfast Every Day Except Friday

Every day (except Fridays), we lay out a traditional Palestinian breakfast at our center for you to share with our staff other volunteers, interns, and Arabic students. Eating a meal in Palestine is very different from many other countries and generally, there are many dishes included in a meal, that are shared between everyone. Sharing breakfast gives you a chance to socialize and catch up with others and try delicious Palestinian breakfast foods such as hummus, labneh, mutabal, zeit oo za’atar, and much more.

Arabic Lessons

All of our volunteers and interns receive Arabic lessons as part of their programs. In most cases, interns and volunteers receive three hours of Arabic classes per week (although there are opportunities to take more for an additional cost). 

In summer, your Arabic lessons might be one-on-one, but most likely they will be in small groups of 2-5 students who are at the same level as you, by one of our knowledgable, friendly, and well-qualified native Arabic teachers. Our Arabic teachers all speak English and will make sure you learn Arabic in the summer while in an immersive and supportive environment. 

You can choose to learn either Modern Standard Arabic or the local dialect. The latter is used by Palestinians in everyday communication and so will be more useful to you during your stay with us in Palestine.  

Days Off To Travel

The opportunity to travel throughout Palestine, Israel, and Jordan during the summer is one of the biggest attractions for our international volunteers and interns. As such, we provide you with two days off per week (generally Fridays and Saturdays) to explore, rest relax, or spend your summer days however else you wish. Most weekends, our international participants will arrange to travel together or in small groups to nearby cities.  

There are many different local and international cities you can visit in summer on your days off, including Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Jericho and the Dead Sea, Nablus, Tulkarem, Qalqiliyah, Jenin, Haifa, Eilat, Tel Aviv, Masada, Akko, Herzliya, Beersheva, Tiberias, Nazareth, Netanya, Safed, Amman, Aqaba and Wadi Rum. 

Pre-departure and In-Country Support

We know that traveling abroad for an internship or volunteer project can feel daunting and it’s normal to have many questions. Since we want to make that easier for you, we provide pre-departure support before your arrival to Palestine and then ongoing in-country support throughout your summer internship or volunteer program. 

We Can Provide You With Academic Credit

Engage in Palestine has a partnership with the Palestinian Ministry of Education which allows us to provide academic credit for current university students undertaking an internship or volunteer program with us. This means you can work towards your studies while volunteering or interning in Palestine! If you want to learn more about this, don’t hesitate to contact us. 

A Certificate Of Completion

Finally, we provide all of our wonderful interns and volunteers with a certificate to reflect the completion of their internship or volunteer program.


Volunteering or interning in summer in Palestine is one sure way to make your summer unlike any other. It’s a unique unforgettable experience to engage in meaningful work alongside Palestinians, make new friends, and gain valuable experience while creating a positive impact and rewarding opportunity to work alongside local communities, gain valuable experience, and make a positive impact on Palestinian society.

Engage in Palestine is a well-respected local organization offering a wide range of short-term internships and volunteer projects, with focuses such as English teaching, law, human rights, community development, volunteering with Palestinian refugees, and more. Our programs are suitable for anyone who is looking for a summer internship or volunteer opportunities in the areas of Palestine, the West Bank, Israel, or the Middle East, whether you are a current student, a professional, retired or just taking a break from your life or career.

While traveling to Palestine can be a bit more challenging than most countries, volunteers and interns will find that Engage in Palestine provides a safe, supportive and welcoming environment. During your time volunteering or interning with us in summer, you can make a meaningful difference in your life and the lives of others by taking this opportunity to contribute to a worthy cause, gain new perspectives, develop important skills and build valuable relationships.

We hope to receive your application for one of our summer internships or volunteer programs in the near future!

Find Out More

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us: Info@ecpalestine.org and on Whatsapp:+972 599 479 880


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