Community Development Projects In The Middle East via Engage in Palestine: Community development is where a community, with the added support of external parties, takes collective action to address important issues affecting them. To do this, it is important to first identify the needs, resources, and strengths as well as the social, economic, and cultural factors that affect the community so that effective strategies can be developed and implemented. 

These strategies can include projects or initiatives to provide or improve access to education, housing, employment, training, healthcare, healthy food, and safe drinking water. Additional efforts may be made to promote well-being, a healthy lifestyle, community safety, and community justice. 

Keep reading to learn more about community development generally as well as community development in the Middle East, including volunteering projects and opportunities. 

The Underpinning Principles Of Community Development 

Several principles underpin community development. One of the most important is self-determination, which means that people and communities have the right to have control over their own lives and make choices and decisions for themselves. Other principles include empowerment, collaboration, human rights, inclusion, social justice, respect for diversity, and collective action.   

What Is The Goal Of Community Development?

The goal of community development is to address the root causes of such issues as inequality and disadvantage and to improve the social, economic, and cultural well-being of a people or community. Through building relationships within the community, such as between individuals, leaders, organizations, and other stakeholders and the redistribution of power community development can make significant progress to achieve its goals.

Why Is Community Development Effective?

One reason that community development is so effective and important is that values the knowledge, wisdom, and experience of community members and considers them to be experts about their own lives and communities. It also places value on hearing and addressing the concerns and opinions of community members, identifying shared goals, and working to achieve them through collaboration. 

Community development is one way to empower the members of a community to create stronger, more cohesive, and connecting communities and pave a brighter future.

Community Development Is A Collaborative And Ongoing Process

For community development to be successful, it requires active participation and engagement of members of the community throughout the process. Additionally, is important to understand that community development is an ongoing process and as such requires commitment, dedication, and investment for the long term.

Potential Outcomes Of Community Development

There are several possible outcomes, both at an individual and community level. For example, individuals may benefit from increased education and skills, thereby improving their career and economic prospects and contributing to an overall better-educated population. An improvement in access to adequate healthcare can also lead to outcomes such as longer life expectancy, lower infant mortality rate, a reduction in avoidable deaths, less disease and illness, and an overall healthier population. 

Both of these may also benefit the wider community in the longer term, as better-educated and healthier individuals can make more significant contributions to their communities. Other less tangible outcomes can be an increase in empowerment, self-efficacy, social inclusion, cohesion, and respect for diverse groups and individuals.  

Volunteering In Community Development In The Middle East

Volunteering in community development in the Middle East can give volunteers an incredibly rewarding and impactful experience. There are many volunteer opportunities and initiatives that volunteers can participate in, which aim to address social, economic, cultural, or environmental issues within a local community in the Middle East.  

Some of the key issues faced by some communities in the Middle East include lack of access to quality education, insufficient healthcare infrastructure, limited access to healthcare, and environmental issues such as climate change, desertification, pollution, and sustainability. These issues typically affect rural and disadvantaged communities the most.   

Why Is There A Need For Community Development In The Middle East?

The Middle East and North Africa are incredible regions, with a wide diversity of ethnicities, religious groups, and other minority groups. This is the area where civilization as we know it began and as such, this area is steeped in rich history, culture, and natural resources. 

However, this has made it a target for European colonialism and Western imperialism. Which has caused much destruction, death, and devastation in this region since the late 1700s until today. The effects of this are still ongoing and can be seen at a macro as well as micro level. This combined with other related issues such as climate change, desertification, water and food scarcity, inequality, wars, conflict, refugee crises, and political and economic instability, have all led to many issues affecting communities. There is, therefore, much need for community development initiatives in this region. 

What Sort Of Volunteer Projects Are There In The Middle East? 

In the Middle East and North Africa, there are lots of different projects you can join to support local community development. 

Projects can vary considerably, from helping to build schools and hospitals to developing safe water sources, to giving English lessons, to volunteering with aid organizations like the Red Cross or the Red Crescent. Other initiatives may be providing medical care or healthcare services, supporting refugees and internally displaced persons, and assisting individuals to learn new skills or enhance their employability.

These initiatives usually focus on developing communities as a whole rather than specific individuals although individuals do benefit. However, it is worthwhile to focus on developing individuals wherever possible, as they are experts in their own lives and communities and can make a significant impact on those around them.

Why Are These Projects Important?

These types of projects are so important because they can help whole communities improve their lives in a range of different areas, from improving their health to bettering their education, skills, and employability, to so much more. Investing time and resources in individuals and their communities is one way to make the world a better place. 

They show individuals living in underprivileged areas that support is available and that outsiders care about their plight and are willing to take action to help. This can also provide a much-needed boost for the morale and mental health of those living in very difficult circumstances in disadvantaged communities or refugee camps.

Who Offers Volunteer Projects In Community Development? 

There can be a range of different providers for these projects, such as non-governmental organizations (NGOs), grassroots initiatives, universities, private sector organizations, or in conjunction with the government.

Where Can I Do Them?

There are many opportunities to engage in these projects throughout the Middle East and North Africa. You might wish to consider which is more important to you – the location you wish to volunteer, or the sort of volunteer project you wish to join. You can always search either by city, country, or region and see which volunteer opportunities are available, or you can search for the sort of volunteer initiative you wish to join and then see where it’s possible to do that.

While there are many volunteer programs spread across the Middle East, there are certain areas that generally require more help. However, it is important to balance this with feasibility. 

For example, volunteering in Gaza, Palestine would be an incredible opportunity and there is much need for community development there, but it is almost impossible to enter Gaza due to the Israeli blockade and siege of Gaza, which has been ongoing for over 15 years. 

Volunteering in Syria or Iraq would also be an enriching experience, with many people in need of support, however, while the security situation is improving, it is still fragile and can be unpredictable.

Community Development Projects In Palestine

The West Bank in Palestine is a great place to undertake short-term community development projects as it is a stable area but with an increasing need to improve the services available to local communities. 

Community development initiatives in Palestine can play a significant part in uplifting and empowering local Palestinian communities as well as creating positive and sustainable changes. Palestinians face many challenges daily, especially due to the Israeli occupation. These challenges can include inadequate access and high prices for water and electricity, being denied freedom of movement, economic hardships, unemployment, difficulty accessing sufficient medical care, being harassed or assaulted by the Israeli military or settlers, as well as many more.  

This means there is much need for international volunteers, who can contribute their time, energy, and expertise to make a real impact.

Join A Community Development Program With Engage In Palestine In Hebron, Palestine

Engage in Palestine offers short-term volunteer programs that are community-driven to help locals in and around Hebron while ensuring volunteers have a rich and fulfilling experience helping to develop the community. We partner with other organizations in the community, such as the Red Crescent, with local universities, and with the government in Ramallah to deliver meaningful help to the community in the form of volunteer programs.

Why Hebron?

Hebron is a really interesting city and a focal point of the Israeli Occupation. In Hebron, many people live in reduced circumstances, particularly in the ‘H2’ part of the city, and in certain villages and refugee camps on the outskirts of Hebron, where living conditions are difficult and sometimes cramped. 

Community Development Activities During Your Program

During your short-term community development placement, you will have the opportunity to plan and facilitate lessons, workshops, programs, and other activities to teach Palestinian youth in the fields of community and economic development in and around Hebron. You will be able to guide Palestinian youth in areas such as enhancing their employability, career and study prospects, entrepreneurship, leadership, communication skills, and more. Whatever your area of education and expertise is, you will be able to utilize it to support Palestinian youth and we are always open to your ideas of projects or initiatives you would like to implement.  

See The People You Are Supporting

The best thing about these community projects is that you get to see the people you are supporting and uplifting. Because Hebron is such a tight-knit community (despite having all the facilities and everything else of a big city), you will be able to build relationships with locals.

We Provide An Immersive Experience 

Engage in Palestine also provides accommodation for all volunteers, women generally live with local Palestinian host families and men in an all-male dorm that we organize. We also provide the opportunity to learn Arabic through three hours of classes a week with our experienced and well-qualified teachers. 

Another crucial part of this cultural exchange is that we include and organize visits to the refugee camps in the region, Bedouin tribes affected by the Occupation, as well as Palestinians living in the H2 area and hear the stories of people who have very difficult lives. We also organize many other trips such as to the old city of Hebron, the H2 area, the keffiyeh factory, glass and ceramics factories, local artists, and other organizations and places of significance. 

Overall, this gives volunteers the chance to immerse themselves in the culture and get to know the people they are helping and why it is so important to help them.

Program Duration And Timing

We offer volunteers a lot of flexibility when it comes to the duration and timing of your short-term volunteer program. You can choose the length of your program, anywhere from 1-13 weeks and you can also choose your start and end dates, at any time throughout the year.

Summer Volunteering In Community Development In The West Bank In Palestine

For anyone seeking short-term summer volunteering opportunities in community development in the areas of The Middle East, Palestine, The West Bank, or Israel, we invite you to volunteer with us. Engage in Palestine’s summer Community Development Program is suitable for current students, graduates, professionals, teachers, or anyone else with relevant expertise and a passion for community development. 

While volunteering with us in the summer, you will also get the chance to take Arabic lessons. This will not only benefit you in your daily life in Hebron, but it will allow you to communicate, even at a basic level, with the community you are serving in their language. Living and volunteering in Hebron will also allow you to volunteer in an immersive, welcoming, and supportive environment.  

Included as part of your volunteer placement, you will get to join a range of sightseeing trips organized by us to learn more about Palestinian culture and daily life under Israeli occupation. Additionally, Palestinian students have holidays during summer. This means they have more free time, so there will be even more time for activities, projects, and initiatives for you to create or assist with.

Your Impact

We aim to make a long-term difference for both the local Palestinian community and you through all of our short-term volunteer programs. Volunteering in community development in the West Bank in Palestine can be a tremendously rewarding experience and have a meaningful impact on your life as well as those you come into contact with. 

Through this initiative, volunteers will get to engage with the local Palestinian community, including Palestinian refugees, and work alongside them in community development projects to help improve their lives and the lives of those around them. The specific projects you can create or participate in as well as the impact you will have depends on your skills, education, and experience as well as your interests. 

Our Community Development Program will also help you to develop a deeper understanding of Palestinian culture, society, and the challenges that Palestinians face as a result of the Israeli occupation or due to other factors. This will not only enrich your own life, but it will allow you to better understand the community you are serving, therefore you can have a more significant impact.

The Benefits Of Volunteering In Our Community Development Program

Volunteering in the Community Development Program with Engage in Palestine can provide several benefits to interested volunteers.

Gain Hands-On Experience And Boost Your CV 

The chance to gain hands-on experience working with the local Palestinian community is one of the most significant and rewarding benefits. This experience will also boost your CV or resume, with relevant real-life experience in an international context abroad. This is particularly beneficial if you are interested in working in the fields of international development, humanitarian aid work, or international relations. 

Develop Your Skills And Gain New Ones

It will also allow you to develop your existing skills and gain new ones. For example, in areas such as critical thinking, problem-solving, cultural sensitivity, intercultural communication, leadership, teamwork, and project management. These are skills that you will find very valuable and applicable to a wide range of personal and professional contexts. 

Build Meaningful Relationships

Another key benefit is the opportunity to develop both personal and professional relationships with people from various backgrounds, including other internationals, the Engage in Palestine staff, and other local Palestinians.

Organized Trips In And Around Hebron 

As part of your program, we include a range of different sightseeing trips in and around Hebron, organized by us. These trips may include, a tour of the old city in Hebron, a tour of Al-Shuhada street in the H2 area of Hebron, visits to the keffiyeh factory, glass and ceramic factories, local artists, women’s co-operatives or organizations, a refugee camp, local villages, and other local areas or organizations of cultural or political significance. These visits will help you to engage with Hebron and the local Palestinian community, as well as allow you to learn more about Palestine, its people, and the issues they face.   

Other Things We Include

Another benefit to volunteering with us is that we provide several inclusions. Such as three hours of weekly Arabic lessons, we arrange and provide accommodation for you, and we also provide a traditional Palestinian breakfast for you at our center every day (except Fridays).

Free Time To Travel And Explore

Each week that you participate in our short-term Community Development Program, you will have two days off (usually Friday and Saturday – the weekend in Palestine). As such, you will have plenty of time to travel, explore, and get to know as much as you can about our beautiful and fascinating homeland.

You may like to visit historic sites such as the old city of Jerusalem, Bethlehem, or Jericho and the Dead Sea. Or nearby local and international cities such as Nablus, Tulkarem, Qalqiliyah, Jenin, Haifa, Eilat, Tel Aviv, Masada, Akko, Herzliya, Beersheva, Tiberias, Nazareth, Netanya, Safed, Amman, Aqaba and Wadi Rum.

Other Benefits 

In addition to all the other benefits, we provide you with pre-departure and ongoing in-country support, including providing you information on how to make your way to Hebron. We will also provide you with a participant’s certificate after your program. Finally, if you are a current university student seeking academic credit towards your studies or an internship component, we can provide this for you, thanks to our collaboration with the Palestinian Ministry of Education. 

Reviews and Awards

Engage in Palestine has been offering Arabic courses for non-native speakers since 2011. We have developed many Arabic immersion programs and online courses over the years. We use the most advanced teaching methods, which we develop and enhance year after year. Education is an active process always advancing, and you will be part of the development. 

Despite continuous program improvements to ensure the best learning experience, our core goal remains connecting, teaching, and developing individuals. Additionally, we aim to promote and encourage exchange in the local and international communities. 

We continue to strive towards excellence:

In 2022, we ranked as “one of the top three organizations worldwide in offering volunteer opportunities”. We also ranked as “one of the top three language schools worldwide” by Go Overseas. We also received a total of five Go Overseas Community Choice Awards. Among others, Engage in Palestine earned recognition as one of the top Teach Abroad Providers for the category of “benefits”. Besides that, we were also one of the Top Internship Abroad Providers for the categories of “growth” and “support”

In 2021, we were one of the top three volunteer programs in the world. Go Overseas awarded us the community choice awards in the categories of “best language school”, “fun”, and “teaching”.

In 2019, we received our inaugural “Go Overseas Community Choice Awards.” This award recognized Engage in Palestine’s positive effect on the global travel community.

Overall, Engage in Palestine is a highly-rated travel company.

In Conclusion 

Community development is one area in which international volunteers can make a real difference and have a significant impact on local communities. In the Middle East and North Africa, there is much need for community development as this region has suffered many years of Western colonialism and imperialism, wars, conflict, and political and economic instability in addition to the increasing effects of climate change. 

While there are many places and countries in this region that need community development initiatives, it isn’t always feasible or safe for volunteers to travel there. However, the West Bank in Palestine is both in need and relatively safe and stable, contrary to what biased and inaccurate media reports will tell you.

Engage in Palestine is one organization that offers interested volunteers the opportunity to participate in Community Development Projects In The Middle East and make a positive difference in their own lives as well as the lives of our Palestinian community members. We offer our short-term Community Development Program year-round and volunteers can choose to participate anywhere from 1-13 weeks.  

This volunteer opportunity will also give participants the chance to develop themselves personally and professionally, gain real hands-on experience, develop their skills, and learn some Arabic while also having an enjoyable time. 

We hope to receive an application from you to join us sometime soon!

Other Programs We Offer

Human Rights Internship ProgramPalestinian Laws & Legal Practices Internship
Palestine And Israel In Context InternshipThe Palestinian Culture Internship
Teach English In The West BankVolunteer With Palestinian Refugees In The West Bank 
Volunteer In Local Schools Volunteer With Palestinian Children
Volunteer In Media & Journalism In The West BankVolunteer In Medicine & Healthcare In The West Bank
Volunteer In Environment & ConservationVolunteer In A Sports Project 
Volunteer In Community DevelopmentVolunteer In Women’s Rights

Find Out More

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us: and on Whatsapp:+972 599 479 880


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