How to do an internship in the Middle East? In the world today, job seekers are more often than not required to have the experience to get a job (especially in their ideal career), but are often unable to get the experience without a job. This leads to the familiar chicken-and-egg scenario – which one comes first? One way to get this valuable and necessary experience is by taking an internship with an organization such as Engage in Palestine

Internships give you more than just practical work experience, they can also help you decide if your chosen career is right for you and make important connections. Upon completion of your internship, it can even be possible to land a paid role with the same organization you interned with. Taking an internship in a foreign country has all the benefits of a regular internship with the added benefits of getting to travel and live in a new environment as well as developing important cross-cultural communication and other competencies.

One area in the world that can be particularly enriching and eye-opening to intern in, is the Middle East. It’s a region home to a diverse range of cultures, traditions, and industries, offering interns the opportunity to gain valuable professional experience while immersing themselves in a unique and fascinating environment. While the prospect of interning in the Middle East may seem daunting at first, with careful planning and research, it can be a highly rewarding and fulfilling experience that opens up new career opportunities and personal growth.

Keep reading to learn more about internships in the Middle East.

What Type Of Internship?

With a growing economy and a strong focus on innovation, many Middle Eastern countries are actively seeking talented and motivated interns from around the world to contribute to their businesses and communities.

Here it is very crucial to make the distinction as to which sort of area you would like to work in. The private sector is always the most lucrative as the remuneration on offer is likely to be higher both for the internships in question AND once you obtain a private sector job. Meanwhile, NGOs are more suited for people who wish to make a difference in the lives of others as much as possible without being tied to politics.

Internships In The Private Sector In The Middle East

As mentioned, internships in the private sector will usually be the best paid – they should pay at least minimum wage (depending on labor laws in the particular country). Private sector internships in the Gulf States and Saudi Arabia are the best paid due to the affluence of these countries stemming from their great oil wealth. However, this can also make them highly competitive and you may find it easier to get a private sector internship in the Levantine area, simply because there are fewer prospective interns compared to the Gulf. 

Interning With Your Government Or With An Intergovernmental Organization

Your best bet if you’re looking in this area, is probably to look at internships with local embassies from your home country. Alternatively, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and related departments may well have similar programs operating in the Middle East, particularly in underdeveloped countries or countries suffering from war and foreign aggression, where the greatest impact from foreign aid and trade initiatives can be created. 

Alternatively, there are the big multi-lateral organizations like the United Nations and the European Union that operate in this region. These tend to be very competitive when it comes to applying even for internship roles so you may need a lot of experience and/or the right connections to realistically expect to be accepted for an internship with either.

Internships with NGOs

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) tend to operate on much lower budgets than public or private sector organizations and therefore have a much higher demand for interns and volunteers. They tend to have high impact, fulfilling work in the areas that need it most, and are not subject to the whims of shareholders or national politics. 

The major downside to working with an NGO of course though is that the pay is not as good and often roles are voluntary or internships are unpaid. So while it can be a fantastic experience, it may well be difficult to sustain a lifestyle for long purely in an internship role. Many interns moonlight in other capacities, maybe as an English teacher or something else to earn a bit of extra money to financially support themselves.

Which Countries Can I Intern In In The Middle East?

There are many internship opportunities all across the Middle East, with a wide range of organizations and industries offering internships in countries such as the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Palestine, and Lebanon. This gives interns many locations to choose from, so it is good to balance finding the kind of internship role that is beneficial for you with the right location. 

Depending on your preferences for food, weather, lifestyle, and budget, some countries in the Middle East would be more suitable for you than others. Other factors you may wish to look at when deciding on a location are the cost of flights to get there and how easy it is to get a visa.

Intern With Engage In Palestine In Hebron, West Bank, Palestine

Engage in Palestine offers internship programs for those who are keen to visit Palestine, experience the Israeli Occupation, develop their Curriculum Vitae, and have a positive impact on the local community. Interns will have the opportunity to utilize their skills and expertise to contribute to projects and initiatives that can benefit the local Palestinian communities here in Hebron (or Al Khalil as it’s called in Arabic), which have been affected by the deprivations of the Israeli Occupation. This might be offering psychological support to bereaved families or teaching English in the community or a range of things in between. The Occupation affects everyone even in such a big city, so many people need outside help.

Interns are assigned a liaison manager to oversee their development and their work in the community as well as a personal Arabic tutor to give them tuition in the local language. In addition, interns are provided with accommodation and daily breakfast (except Fridays). 

Our Short-Term Internships And Volunteer Opportunities

For those who want to do an internship in the Middle East, Engage in Palestine offers a range of short-term programs, including internships as well as volunteering opportunities. These short-term (1–13 weeks) programs are perfect for people looking for a purposeful way to fill their summer break, gap year, or other time-limited period. 

By clicking the link in the program name in the table below, you may learn more about each of the specific programs we provide.

Human Rights Internship ProgramPalestinian Laws & Legal Practices Internship
Palestine And Israel In Context InternshipThe Palestinian Culture Internship
Teach English In The West BankVolunteer With Palestinian Refugees In The West Bank 
Volunteer In Local Schools Volunteer With Palestinian Children
Volunteer In Media & Journalism In The West BankVolunteer In Medicine & Healthcare In The West Bank
Volunteer In Environment & ConservationVolunteer In A Sports Project 
Volunteer In Community DevelopmentVolunteer In Women’s Rights

Flexible Program Options

Engage in Palestine offers all of our interns a great degree of flexibility. Firstly, prospective interns can decide the length of their internship, starting from 1 week and up to 13 weeks (due to the 90-day limitation of the visa). Our short-term internship programs are available year-round and interns may choose the start and end dates that are the most suitable for them. 

In addition to this, it is possible to combine more than one internship program or to combine an internship with one of our short-term volunteer programs. You may also add additional hours of Arabic lessons to your internship if you would like, although, of course, this will incur an additional fee. Finally, if after you arrive in Palestine, you decide you would like to extend your time with us, it can easily be arranged.

Short-Term Summer Internships

If you’re looking for internship opportunities in the areas of The Middle East, Palestine, Israel, or close to Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, or Bethlehem in the summer, we encourage you to intern with us in Hebron. We can provide a unique opportunity to not only complete an internship but also travel, learn some Arabic, and make new friends while being immersed in a new culture.

Summer interns will get the chance to work on important projects, develop existing skills learn new ones, and gain practical real-world experience in a welcoming and energetic environment. In addition to the professional benefits, you will also get to have a rich cultural experience in Palestine. Summer interns will get to learn about Palestinian culture and society, explore the local area, as well as engage with people from diverse backgrounds.

During your summer internship, we will also take you on excursions in and around Hebron, including to Bedouin settlements (like Susiya), Palestinian refugee camps, nearby villages, various local organizations, and the old city of Hebron. This will also enable you to interact with Hebron locals from a variety of backgrounds who are dealing with challenging situations as a result of Israeli occupation.

We have starting dates available all summer long for our 1- to 13-week short-term internships, so you can decide when you wish to participate. This is especially suitable if you are a current student looking for an internship opportunity for the summer, and we can even give you academic credit for your studies. 

Your Internship Impact

We aim to make a long-term difference with all of our volunteer and internship programs, for both the Palestinian local community and you through the exchange of ideas and “walking in each other’s shoes”. All of our programs are well-researched and targeted to ensure they have a real impact and foster shared learning for both our community and you.

Taking an internship program with Engage in Palestine can have a big impact on your career and personal development as well as have a positive impact on the local Palestinian community. Our short-term internships offer a special chance to get practical experience and build professional abilities while simultaneously becoming fully immersed in a vibrant cultural environment. Interns will have the chance to contribute to projects and initiatives that make a positive impact on the local community.

The Benefits Of Interning With Engage In Palestine

There are several added benefits if you do an internship in the Middle East with Engage in Palestine, which we outline below. 

Develop Personal And Professional Skills

One of the biggest benefits of taking an internship with us is the opportunity to develop a range of skills, whether they are existing skills or new ones. 

For example, interns will be able to not only gain a more in-depth appreciation for cultural diversity but also build their cross-cultural communication skills. Working and living in a new and challenging environment, such as Hebron in Palestine, will allow interns to develop higher levels of independence, self-confidence, and problem-solving skills. Interns will also learn to navigate unfamiliar social, cultural, and political environments which also allows them to increase their adaptability. 

In addition, depending on the individual internship chosen, interns will get to develop other skills such as communication, project management, research, analysis, and critical thinking. This is in addition to gaining experience and building skills in the intern’s field of specialization, such as the laws and legal field, education, or health. 

Engage With The Local Palestinian Community During Your Internship

While you do an internship in the Middle East with Engage in Palestine, we provide you with numerous opportunities to engage with the local Palestinian community. We include several visits and trips in and around Hebron to culturally, politically, or historically important places and organizations as part of your internship. This gives you insights into Palestinian culture and daily life, the issues they face, and can help to further your knowledge and understanding in the field you have chosen for your internship, such as the laws and legal field, the human rights field, or the medical and healthcare fields.

We organize trips to places such as the old city of Hebron, refugee camps, local artists, the keffiyeh factory, glass and ceramics factories, various local organizations including human rights organizations, and more.

On top of that, through the various other internship activities, such as creating and facilitating workshops in your chosen field, you will also get to connect with Palestinian youths in an educational context. Additionally, you will have plenty of free time to venture out into Hebron and the West Bank on your own to explore and get to know local Palestinians. The Arabic lessons we include as part of your internship can help you integrate and communicate with local Palestinians.

Learn Arabic During Your Internship

For all of our participants in our short-term internships, we include some Arabic tuition. In most cases, this is three hours of Arabic lessons per week, although additional hours may be added for an extra cost. We give students the choice to learn Modern Standard Arabic or the local dialect. 

Our native Arabic teachers speak English, are well-qualified, and teach either one-on-one or in small groups, allowing them to tailor your lessons to whatever your level of Arabic is. Our Arabic teachers create a fun, supportive, and immersive environment to benefit your Arabic studies. 

We Include And Arrange Your Accommodation

Engage in Palestine provides accommodation for all of our international interns throughout their short-term programs. 

Female participants generally live with a local Palestinian host family. In most cases, male participants will share an all-male dorm organized by us. It is often a challenge to place male students with a Palestinian host family, due to the conservative nature of Hebron, however it can be possible at times. If you are interested in this option, let us know as early as possible. 

An alternate option is private accommodation, which we can arrange for you for an additional cost.

And A Daily Palestinian Breakfast

In addition to Arabic lessons and accommodation, we also provide you with a traditional Palestinian breakfast daily (except Fridays) at our center. Breakfast is shared between our Arabic students, volunteers, and interns and gives you the chance to socialize and try delicious Palestinian breakfast food to start your day off right. 

Days Off To Travel

We know that traveling throughout Palestine, Israel, and Jordan is a big draw for many of our interns, so your schedule will include two days off (generally Fridays and Saturdays), so that you may travel, explore, rest, or do anything else that you please. Often our international participants arrange weekend trips together in small groups, although you may also travel solo if you prefer. 

There are a range of different local and international cities you can visit, including Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Jericho and the Dead Sea, Nablus, Tulkarem, Qalqiliyah, Jenin, Haifa, Eilat, Tel Aviv, Masada, Akko, Herzliya, Beersheva, Tiberias, Nazareth, Netanya, Safed, Amman, Aqaba and Wadi Rum. 

Pre-Departure And In-Country Support

We know that traveling abroad for an internship can feel daunting and that it’s likely you have a lot of questions. To assist you, we provide pre-departure support before you arrive in Palestine and then ongoing in-country support throughout your internship. 

We Can Provide Academic Credit

If you are a current university student and would like to obtain academic credit towards your studies at your university for your short-term internship program, we will happily provide this. This is possible due to our collaboration with the Palestinian Ministry of Education. If you are interested, just let us know and we can tell you more.

A Certificate Of Completion

Finally, we provide all of our wonderful interns with a certificate to reflect the completion of their internship.

Reviews and Awards

Engage in Palestine has been offering its services since 2011. We have developed many Arabic immersion programs for those who want to do an internship in the Middle East, as well as online courses over the years. We use the most advanced teaching methods, which we develop and enhance year after year. Education is an active process always advancing, and you will be part of the development. 

Despite continuous program improvements to ensure the best learning experience, our core goal remains connecting, teaching, and developing individuals. Additionally, we aim to promote and encourage exchange in the local and international communities. 

We continue to strive towards excellence:

In 2022, we ranked as “one of the top three organizations worldwide in offering volunteer opportunities”. We also ranked as “one of the top three language schools worldwide” by Go Overseas. We also received a total of five Go Overseas Community Choice Awards. Among others, Engage in Palestine earned recognition as one of the top Teach Abroad Providers for the category of “benefits”. Besides that, we were also one of the Top Internship Abroad Providers for the categories of “growth” and “support”

In 2021, we were one of the top three volunteer programs in the world. Go Overseas awarded us the community choice awards in the categories of “best language school”, “fun”, and “teaching”.

In 2019, we received our inaugural “Go Overseas Community Choice Awards.” This award recognized Engage in Palestine’s positive effect on the global travel community.

Overall, Engage in Palestine is a highly-rated travel company.


In conclusion, if you want to do an internship in the Middle East, there is a wide choice of internship possibilities in numerous fields, including banking and hospitality, human rights, and international development. Several intriguing options are available throughout the region, whether you are interested in teaching English in a local community, working with an NGO to promote social justice, or receiving practical experience in a multinational corporation. These internships provide you the chance to learn new skills, network with successful professionals, and learn more about the history and culture of the area. 

The Middle East is the perfect location for anyone looking for a challenging and fulfilling internship experience due to its rich cultural heritage, diversified people, and quickly expanding economy. One great organization to intern with is Engage in Palestine, located in Hebron, Palestine. 

Engage in Palestine offers short-term internships and volunteer programs ideal for students, graduates, and anyone taking a gap year or wishing to go beyond being a regular tourist in Palestine, Israel, or the Middle East. We offer a range of programs so that a variety of people from diverse backgrounds can come to Palestine and apply their skills, knowledge, and passions to have a positive impact on our local Palestinian community as well as on their own lives. Our internships offer opportunities to develop yourself in both personal and professional manners, to enhance your CV, while making a contribution to those around you and having a memorable time.

We look forward to receiving your application for an internship program with us here at Engage in Palestine in Hebron, at some point soon soon!

Find Out More

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us: and on Whatsapp:+972 599 479 880


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