Engage in Palestine‘s Internship and Volunteer Programs In The West Bank are excellent ways for interested individuals to gain valuable experience and make meaningful contributions to local Palestinian communities. These experiences can provide volunteers and interns with the opportunity to develop their skills, enhance their resumes, network with professionals and colleagues, as well as make a difference in the lives of others. In this article, we will look at five of the top volunteer and internship programs available in Palestine (in no particular order). 

Internship and Volunteer Programs In The West Bank By Engage In Palestine

Engage in Palestine is a local Palestinian organization offering a variety of different short-term intensive Arabic courses, internship and volunteer programs In The West Bank. With all of our various programs, we aim to foster cultural connections and exchanges, promote language learning, and develop individuals and communities. Engage in Palestine has over 11 years of experience running volunteer and internship programs, bringing internationals and Palestinians together. This makes Engage in Palestine an excellent choice for anyone looking for volunteer and internship programs in the areas of Palestine, the West Bank, Israel, or the Middle East.

1. Human Rights Internship Program 

Engage in Palestine located in Hebron, Palestine, offers its Human Rights Internship Program, which provides interested participants with an opportunity to engage in human rights issues in the West Bank. It’s designed to understand and raise awareness about human rights issues, as well as to promote education about human rights in Palestine, particularly among Palestinian youth. 

What Will You Do?

During this program, interns can engage with local human rights organizations, assist in advocacy work, run seminars or workshops for their chosen target group, as well as participate in community outreach events, and teach a little bit of English. Participants will also get to attend lectures and workshops on topics such as human rights, international law, the Palestinian Issue, and Palestinian history. Interns will also have the chance to become fully immersed in Palestinian culture, learn Arabic, and discover the difficulties Palestinians encounter daily.

Who is it For?

Anyone with an interest in international law, human rights, and Palestine. Many of our participants have studied in fields such as political science, law, international law, international relations, human rights, humanitarian law, peace and conflict studies, and others. However, it is not a requirement to have studied in a particular field, but you will need to have an interest in human rights to truly benefit from this program.

Program Requirements

To participate in our Human Rights Internship Program you will need to be aged +18 years old, be able to communicate in English, have a willingness to meet and interact with Palestinians, and be eager to learn. You are not required to speak English, have travel experience, have a teaching qualification or experience nor do you need to be a native English speaker. 

Key Benefits

  • Gain a more in-depth understanding of the current human rights situation and challenges in Palestine through on-the-ground experience
  • Opportunities to meet and work with local human rights organizations 
  • Visit organizations, sites, and people in Hebron that are important in the field of human rights
  • Gain practical experience conducting your workshops or seminars for Palestinians about topics within human rights
  • Develop transferrable skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, cultural sensitivity, and cross-communication skills
  • Develop personal and professional relationships with local Palestinians 

2. Teach English In The West Bank Program 

Another of our best short-term volunteer programs is Engage in Palestine’s Teach English in the West Bank Program, which provides internationals with and without prior teaching experience the opportunity to teach Palestinian students and community members. The key goals of this program are to promote English language proficiency and cultural exchange as well as to give Palestinian students practice in speaking and interacting with native or fluent English speakers. 

What Will You Do?

Prospective volunteer English teachers will have a variety of teaching experiences, such as co-teaching with fellow international volunteers, joining classes taught by Palestinian teachers as teaching assistants as well as running their classes. This gives volunteers the chance to design their lesson plans and activities, collaborate with fellow volunteers, and incorporate their teaching styles and interests. Volunteer English teachers in Palestine will also have opportunities to teach at our center, in local villages, refugee camps, and local schools (during the school year). 

This program will allow volunteers to gain valuable and practical teaching English experience and develop cross-cultural communication skills while making a meaningful contribution to Palestinian students’ education. Not only that but volunteers will also be able to immerse themselves in Palestinian culture, learning about the history, customs, and daily life of the local Palestinian community.

Who is it For?

Is anyone interested in teaching English to Palestinian students, whether you currently are a qualified teacher or are teaching English for the first time? If you currently have or are interested in pursuing a career in TEFL, TESOL, or teaching English abroad, this program is for you! 

Program Requirements

To volunteer in this program you are required to be +18 years old, have a bachelor’s degree or diploma in any subject or be a current undergraduate, and be fluent in English. You do not need to speak Arabic, be a native English speaker, or have travel or teaching experience. 

Key Benefits

  • Gain practical in-person English teaching experience for Palestinian students
  • Gain experience working with Palestinian children and youth 
  • Teach in a variety of settings (e.g. at our center, in refugee camps, in local villages, etc)
  • Teach in a variety of different classes (e.g. private one-on-one classes, group classes, classes where you are the lead or only teacher, co-teacher, or teaching assistant)
  • Develop your lesson planning, creativity, flexibility, problem-solving, classroom management, and teaching skills
  •  Experienced Palestinian English teachers are available to give you advice and offer assistance
  • Grow relationships and connect with Palestinian students

3. Volunteer With Palestinian Refugees Program

Engage in Palestine’s Volunteer with Palestinian Refugees Program is a unique opportunity for anyone interested in making a meaningful contribution to the lives of refugees in the West Bank. We have designed this program so that as a volunteer you can obtain a thorough understanding of the challenges facing refugees in Palestine, while also developing your skills and experience to help you make a positive impact on local Palestinian communities.

What Will You Do?

Volunteers in this program may participate in a variety of different volunteer activities. These may include teaching English in a Palestinian refugee camp, providing support to Palestinian children in refugee camps, and working with the local community to assist refugees in the way that they need. Volunteers will be allowed to create their programs, initiatives, workshops, or seminars about beneficial topics to assist Palestinian refugees in improving their lives.  

Who is it For?

This program is for anyone interested in volunteering with Palestinian refugees to learn about and help improve their situation. If you have studied about or are interested in working with refugees, humanitarian aid, international aid, human rights, diplomacy, international law, politics, or other related areas, this program is for you.

Program Requirements

To volunteer with Palestinian refugees you will need to have colloquial fluency in English or Arabic, be aged +18 years old, and have a positive attitude and eagerness to learn. You don’t need to speak Arabic be a native English speaker or have previous travel or work experience. 

Key Benefits

  • Gain knowledge and understanding about Palestinian refugees, their situation, and their struggles
  • Visit Palestinian refugee camps such as Al-Fawwar and Al-Aroub camps near Hebron
  • The opportunity to gain some English teaching experience by teaching Palestinian refugee students
  • Engage and build relationships with Palestinian refugees 
  • Develop valuable skills such as cross-cultural communication, empathy, cultural sensitivity, problem-solving skills, and mental strength
  • Work on various volunteer projects to aid Palestinian refugees and help them improve their lives

4. Women’s Rights Program

Engage in Palestine offers its Women’s Rights Program, an important initiative that is aimed at empowering women in the West Bank as well as promoting gender equality in our local Palestinian community. We have designed this program to help provide Palestinian women with knowledge and skills that can help them overcome the numerous challenges they may face, whether in their communities or as a result of living under Israeli occupation. 

What Will You Do?

There are a variety of activities that participants can join in this program. These can include workshops and seminars about Palestinian history, culture, and the current situation of women’s rights. Participants in our women’s rights program have the opportunity to engage in community outreach activities of their choice, as well as other initiatives that are aimed at increasing awareness about women’s rights issues in Palestine. As a participant, you will have the chance to meet with local Palestinian women and girls as well as women’s rights organizations. You will also be able to run your workshops or seminars on your chosen topics within the field of women’s rights to bring Palestinian women or girls together to help improve their lives.

Who is it For?

You don’t have to be a woman to join this program, you only have to be interested in and passionate about women’s rights in Palestine. Our former participants have studied in fields such as gender studies, gender equality, human rights, women’s rights, social work, international relations, and more. 

Program Requirements

If you would like to volunteer in our Women’s Rights Program you are required to be +18 years old, can communicate in English as well as work in an international team. You must also possess patience, enthusiasm, and an eagerness to learn. You won’t need to speak Arabic, have previous travel, work, or teaching experience, nor will you need to be a native English speaker or have a degree in any particular subject.  

Key Benefits

  • Learn about the women’s rights situation in Palestine through on-the-ground experience
  • The opportunity to meet and work with local women’s rights organizations
  • Visit sites, places, and people that are important to women’s rights
  • The opportunity to plan and conduct your workshops or seminars aimed toward the target group of Palestinians of your choice on the topics you think are most beneficial
  • Build relationships with Palestinians 
  • The chance to work on different volunteer projects to help Palestinian women and girls improve their lives 

5. Laws And Legal Practices Internship Program

Our Laws And Legal Practices Internship Program is a fascinating opportunity for individuals considering a career in law to gain hands-on experience while making a positive impact in our local Palestinian community. We have designed this program to provide interns with an in-depth understanding of the legal system in Palestine, while at the same time giving interns opportunities to develop skills and experience that will help them to excel in their future careers.

What Will You Do?

During this program, you will have opportunities to visit local Palestinian lawyers, law faculties, courts, human rights organizations, legal religious institutions, and legal clinics. Depending on your chosen length of internship, you may also have opportunities to work with local lawyers or legal organizations. You will also have chances to create and facilitate workshops and seminars for a target group of Palestinians as chosen by you, whether they are Palestinian law students, youth, women, or anyone else. You can choose which topics within the field of law you wish to present to your students, but the topics should be of significant benefit to our community. 

Who is it For?

This internship is for anyone interested in law and international law in Palestine, Israel, and the Middle East. You do not need to have studied law, however, this program will be most beneficial to you if you are a law student, graduate, professional, or someone with a strong interest and knowledge related to law.  

Program Requirements

To participate in our Laws and Legal Practices Program, you will need to be 18 years of age or over, be able to communicate in English, have a positive attitude and willingness to learn about Palestine as well as be interested in meeting a variety of people in Palestine. You do not need to be able to speak Arabic, be a native English speaker, be studying full-time, or have any specific degree or qualification. 

Key Benefits

  • Learn about the different laws that apply in Palestine, including in the West Bank and Gaza. Such as Israeli military law, Jordanian law, British law, Egyptian law, religious law, Ottoman law, etc. 
  • Gain knowledge and understanding of the legal issues that Palestinians face
  • The opportunity to prepare and present workshops or seminars to Palestinian target groups of your choice about topics of your choice related to laws and the legal field
  • There are chances to meet and work with Palestinian professionals in the legal field
  • Visit sites, places, and organizations that are important about laws and the legal field
  • Develop personal and professional relationships with Palestinians 
  • Develop your skillset, including analytical skills, problem-solving, presentation, conflict resolution, cross-cultural communication, and organizational skills

Other Short-Term Internship And Volunteer Opportunities

If you are considering volunteering or interning with Engage in Palestine, but none of the above programs seem like the right fit for you – take a look at the table below to see our range of volunteer and internship opportunities on offer. 

Human Rights Internship ProgramPalestinian Laws & Legal Practices Internship
Palestine And Israel In Context InternshipThe Palestinian Culture Internship
Teach English In The West BankVolunteer With Palestinian Refugees In The West Bank 
Volunteer In Local Schools Volunteer With Palestinian Children
Volunteer In Media & Journalism In The West BankVolunteer In Medicine & Healthcare In The West Bank
Volunteer In Environment & ConservationVolunteer In A Sports Project 
Volunteer In Community DevelopmentVolunteer In Women’s Rights

Summer Volunteer Programs And Internships

While we offer all our programs all year round, summer (June through September) is one of the best times to volunteer or intern with us in Hebron, Palestine. This is because summer is the time when most people have sufficient free time for a vacation to travel, intern, or volunteer abroad. It’s also the perfect time for current students or recent graduates to fill their break in a meaningful way through volunteering or interning. We offer you the flexibility to participate from 1-13 weeks, starting and finishing on your chosen dates at any time during summer. We hope you will make the most of your summer by joining us, experiencing Palestine, enhancing your CV through building your skills and experience all while making new friends and having a positive impact on society. 

Volunteer Programs And Internships With Impact

With all of the various programs that we operate from our center in Hebron, we aim to make a long-term difference for both the local Palestinian community and you through the exchange of ideas and “walking in each other’s shoes”. We ensure that all of our programs are well-researched and targeted so that they have a genuine and positive impact, while also effectively fostering shared learning. By volunteering or interning with us in the West Bank, you can contribute some of your valuable time to have a meaningful impact on the lives of those in our local Palestinian community as well as on your own life.  

The Highlights Of Volunteering Or Interning With Engage In Palestine

  • Building new friendships with other volunteers, interns, and students, as well as visitors, and local Palestinian residents and Engage in Palestine’s staff.
  • Gaining valuable real-life work experience in your chosen field and developing a wide range of personal and professional skills. 
  • Living in the fascinating city of Hebron and getting to experience it on a more intimate level than most tourists do and with your accommodation included. 
  • Immersing yourself in Palestinian culture, Palestinian Arabic, and daily life. 
  • Sharing a traditional Palestinian breakfast at our center with your fellow volunteers, interns, and our staff each day (except Fridays), which is included in all our programs.
  • Taking Arabic lessons provided by us in Modern Standard Arabic or the local dialect.
  • Having many opportunities to practice your Arabic and have conversations with local Palestinians. 
  • Engage in Palestine’s staff consists of highly qualified and attentive Arabic and English teachers with excellent educational backgrounds, who are eager and enthusiastic to assist you.
  • Gaining firsthand experience of one of the most politically complex and dynamic regions in the Middle East.
  • Learning about the situation of internally displaced Palestinian refugees in the West Bank.  
  • Participating in a range of educational, social, and community activities organized by us to provide a space for locals, Palestinian refugees, volunteers, and interns to meet, socialize, and learn. 
  • Joining group trips and visits arranged by us to a range of different culturally, politically, or historically important sites such as the old city of Hebron.
  • Having free time to plan weekend trips with your fellow volunteers or interns to exciting nearby destinations such as Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Ramallah, Nablus, Hebron, Tulkarem, Qalqilyah, Jenin, the Dead Sea, Jericho, Akko, Herzliya, Beersheva, Eilat, Tiberias, Netanya, Safed, Haifa, Nazareth, Tel Aviv, Masada, Amman, Aqaba and Wadi Rum.
  • Program fees cover guided tours and activities, Arabic language tuition, accommodation, breakfast, and 24/7 program assistance from pre-departure to the end of your program.
  • Obtaining academic credit towards your studies (upon request).
  • Upon completion of your volunteer program, Engage in Palestine will provide you with a certificate. 

Volunteer With Palestinian Children During Your Program

While Engage in Palestine has a dedicated volunteer program to work with Palestinian children, there are other opportunities for volunteers and interns to work with Palestinian children in any of our programs. 

Volunteer With Palestinian Refugees During Your Program

While Engage in Palestine offers a specific volunteer program for anyone with an interest or passion for working with refugees and making a meaningful impact, all of our programs offer the chance to work with Palestinian refugees and learn more about their situation. Participants will get to visit a refugee camp such as Al-Fawwar or Al-Aroub and have the chance to work on projects and initiatives to positively impact the Palestinian refugees living there.

This might include volunteer work such as teaching English to refugee children running workshops to enhance the employability of refugee youth and students or meeting with the local community to learn about their situation and ways in which you can help. If you have specific initiatives or activities you wish to implement during your program, we are always open to your ideas.

Duration And Timing Of Our Volunteer Programs And Internships

All of our short-term volunteer programs and internships are very flexible. We give you the freedom to choose how long you wish to volunteer or intern for, from 1 to 13 weeks. In regards to the timing of our internship and volunteer programs, you are free to choose your own start and end dates at any time throughout the year when you submit your application.

We Offer Flexible Booking 

We understand that whether due to a change of heart, unforeseen circumstances, or last-minute emergencies, plans can change. Therefore, we make all of our volunteer programs, internships, and Arabic courses flexible so that you can change or delay your plans. 

All of our programs have flexible start and end dates and during the application process, you can choose when to begin and end anytime throughout the year for 1-13 weeks. 

In Case You Need To Make Date Changes

If you need to make any date changes to your program, you can do this for free two weeks or more before your original start date. However, if you wish to make changes or cancelation within two weeks of your original start date, any payments you have made will be converted to a credit for you to use towards any of our other programs in the future either in Palestine or with our sister location in Germany.

About Our Location In Hebron

Engage in Palestine is located in Hebron – one of the most culturally rich and ancient cities in Palestine. Hebron is located in the south of the West Bank, approximately 30km south of Jerusalem, and Hebron governorate (which includes the city and surrounding villages) has a population of over 700,000 people. Today Hebron is famous as the commercial capital of the West Bank as well as for its religious significance and historical importance. 

It is important to add that Hebron is also a city on the frontline of the Israeli occupation and is the only city in the West Bank with Israeli settlers living inside part of the city itself. This makes Hebron a very important city historically, and economically and to see and understand the effects of the occupation.

Safety In Hebron

We must emphasize that the safety situation for prospective volunteers and visitors in Hebron is completely different from what you might have heard in the news. Many tourists visit Hebron without encountering any danger or harm and Palestinians from all over the country visit Hebron to shop. Overall, Hebron is very safe although as with any city, there are a few certain areas that are best to avoid late at night. 

While there are occasional outbreaks of violence in Hebron, they are highly localized and are very easy to avoid so long as you wish to do so. Many of our former participants, including women, have told us how safe and welcome they feel in Hebron and sometimes even more so than in their own home countries. Our participants often spend their free time in the evenings getting a drink in a cafe, going for a walk, eating at a restaurant, or going out for knafeh or other sweets.

Quick Facts About Our Top Short-Term Internship and Volunteer Programs In The West Bank

Below you may find a snapshot of our short-term volunteer and internship opportunities.

Location of ProgramsHebron, West Bank
Age of Participants18-70 years old
Program FocusTeach English in Palestine
Volunteer with Palestinian Children
Palestinian Refugees
Law and Human Rights
Community Development
Medicine & Healthcare
And More
Program LanguageEnglish
Volunteering Program Duration1-13 weeks
Starting/ Ending DatesParticipants can freely choose their starting and ending dates and we offer volunteer programs and internships in Palestine year-round
TimeframeShort Term 
Autumn / Fall 
Year Round
Travel TypeBudget Family Older Travelers Solo Women
Weekly CostsCheck the fees here
Accommodation in HebronPalestinian host family
Male dorm
Private (additional fees apply)
Included Arabic Lessons3 hours per week
Educational DegreeNot Required
University CreditAvailable
Application DeadlineNo Deadline
Reviews and RatingsReviews On Gooverseas.com
Reviews On Goabroad.com
Participants video testimonials
Tel Aviv Airport PickupAvailable (Fee applies)

Reviews and Awards

Engage in Palestine has been offering Arabic courses for non-native speakers since 2011. We have developed many Arabic immersion programs and online courses over the years. We use the most advanced teaching methods, which we develop and enhance year after year. Education is an active process always advancing, and you will be part of the development. 

Despite continuous program improvements to ensure the best learning experience, our core goal remains connecting, teaching, and developing individuals. Additionally, we aim to promote and encourage exchange in the local and international communities. 

We continue to strive towards excellence:

In 2022, we ranked as “one of the top three organizations worldwide in offering volunteer opportunities”. We also ranked as “one of the top three language schools worldwide” by Go Overseas. We also received a total of five Go Overseas Community Choice Awards. Among others, Engage in Palestine earned recognition as one of the top Teach Abroad Providers for the category of “benefits”. Besides that, we were also one of the Top Internship Abroad Providers for the categories of “growth” and “support”

In 2021, we were one of the top three volunteer programs in the world. Go Overseas awarded us the community choice awards in the categories of “best language school”, “fun”, and “teaching”.

In 2019, we received our inaugural “Go Overseas Community Choice Awards.” This award recognized Engage in Palestine’s positive effect on the global travel community.

Overall, Engage in Palestine is a highly-rated travel company.


Engage in Palestine offers a range of internship and volunteer programs for international participants in Hebron, West Bank aimed at promoting human rights and cultural exchange. We design our programs to give our participants a thorough understanding of the challenges faced by Palestinians, while also facilitating the development of our participants’ skills and experience, which helps them to make a positive impact on our local Palestinian community. 

We offer numerous volunteer and internship programs and here we have outlined five of our most popular programs in the fields of human rights, teaching English, women’s rights, working with Palestinian refugees, and law. All of our programs provide opportunities for community engagement, shared learning, and gaining practical hands-on experience. We hope you will consider volunteering or interning with us in Hebron, Palestine soon!

Find Out More

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us: Info@ecpalestine.org and on Whatsapp:+972 599 479 880


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