Engage in Palestine‘s Medicine and Healthcare Program in the West Bank, Palestine will suit many potential volunteers, including medical professionals, pre-med students, med-school students, or those considering a healthcare career. Under the supervision of local professionals, volunteers will gain valuable experience with the Palestinian healthcare system the work of local hospitals, and the medical and healthcare specializations of the local universities. 

Hands-On Experience

Although the scope of medical work undertaken will vary depending on your particular experience and qualifications, you will gain hands-on experience with the refugees of Palestine- exposing you to the Arabic language and Palestinian culture while contributing to an underprivileged society in need of aid. Your time spent here can significantly impact the Palestinian community while allowing you to broaden your clinical, procedural, language, and cultural skills.

A Fascinating And Energetic Environment

Our volunteer programs in Hebron, West Bank provide you the chance to work in a fascinating and energetic environment since they are created to be immersive, genuine, and holistic. Located in the city of Hebron, Engage in Palestine has provided numerous opportunities for those wishing to volunteer in medicine for years. This volunteer opportunity spans from one week to three months (13 weeks), is offered year-round, and is perfect for medical students seeking experience through a summer internship. Because we are partnered with the Palestinian Ministry of Education, university students can also receive academic credit for volunteering. 

Raising Local Awareness

According to the World Bank, fewer than half of Palestinians have their healthcare requirements met. As a volunteer in our Medicine and Healthcare Program, you will be contributing to an important cause while providing invaluable assistance to people in need. The ultimate goal of the Medicine and Healthcare Program is to raise awareness of health practices and services in Palestine. To do this, volunteers will travel to various health-related facilities throughout Hebron to become familiar with their operations and the predominant health needs of their clients. 

After acquainting themselves with their surroundings and conducting the necessary research, volunteers will work with our center to organize local medical workshops. These workshops are designed to better inform local Palestinians of safe health practices and other important topics in medicine and healthcare. This has become more important since the onset of COVID-19, resulting not only in sickness but also disinformation and wariness of healthcare systems.

For volunteers with experience in a specific or specialized medical field, our center can arrange for them to act in an advisory role with medical experts within Palestine. Trained medical volunteers will have the opportunity to utilize their expertise in refugee camps, where public services are extremely lacking and medical experts are in high demand. Ultimately, volunteers with Engage in Palestine will work with local organizations in Hebron to ensure that Palestinians receive the medical attention and education necessary for a healthy, safe, and prosperous life.

Ways To Help

Through Engage in Palestine, you may find yourself assisting local professionals in the healthcare system or you may be involved in hands-on medical care of patients. There will also be opportunities for the care of medical equipment, as well as some administrative work. There is a lot of flexibility, and new ideas are always welcomed

Some past projects have included:

  • Organizing workshops for Palestinian university students on different medical topics to expand their knowledge
  • Raising health awareness throughout the schools and universities, as well as in the general community in Hebron
  • Visiting local schools and universities in Hebron to educate students about basic public health issues
  • Organizing free health consultations
  • Organizing community-wide health and wellness activities with local Palestinian medical organizations 
  • Gathering information from local clinics, hospitals, universities, and the Department of Health
  • Organizing workshops for Palestinian medical students 

Program Operations

Engage in Palestine works closely with volunteers to create a program that will reflect their experience, skill set, and interests. We are very flexible regarding the roles they may wish to take or the organizations they may wish to cooperate with. Upon your arrival, a medical volunteer liaison will work with volunteers to organize schedules, seminars, and workshops while also learning about the volunteer’s specific ambitions. Volunteers will construct projects and give a presentation of their educational and medical workshops for Palestinians.

While providing much-needed, free medical care, you will engage in tours of local Palestinian hospitals, clinics, NGOs, and charity organizations. Doctors and nurses of the local Al Ahli Hospital, Mahmoud Abbas Hospital, and Princess Alia Governmental Hospital are available for consultation and will help guide volunteer projects. Volunteers will also visit international aid organizations located in Hebron, such as the United Nations Relief Work Agency (UNRWA), Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders), and the Red Crescent. 

At our center, you will be introduced to Palestinian culture and the Arabic language through regular classes. Volunteers will also be housed with a Palestinian host family (guaranteed for female participants) or in an all-male dorm close to the city center for the entirety of their stay. Furthermore, Engage in Palestine’s staff will be available at all times to assist volunteers with anything they might need.

Who Is The Program For? 

This program is for anyone entering or experienced in the field of medicine, looking to use their skills to better the lives of others. Our Medicine and Healthcare Program in Palestine caters to a broad spectrum of volunteers including but not limited to

  • Healthcare students
  • Nursing students
  • Public health workers
  • Medical students
  • Pre-med students
  • Qualified health professionals
  • Paramedics
  • Doctors
  • Nutritionists

Because you will be located in the West Bank and working directly with local organizations, you will gain an understanding of the Palestinian language and culture. It is ideal for medical and health professionals looking to share their expertise with local nonprofits in a region which can often lack the resources needed to improve local conditions and quality of life. This cultural and linguistic specialization is becoming increasingly important in the field of medicine, especially for those looking to provide healthcare to lower-income and vulnerable populations. Engage in Palestine needs volunteers with open minds and full hearts, looking to engage in service to a community while continuing to learn and embrace new ideas. 

Flexible Booking

At Engage in Palestine, we understand that things can change quickly. As such, our programs are flexible in case you need to alter travel plans or just simply have a change of heart. As programs begin at the center year-round (with flexible start and end dates), you decide your arrival. Furthermore, you’re able to change your start date entirely free of charge if requested at least two weeks beforehand.

Volunteer In The Summer- Internships in Palestine

For those interested in traveling to Palestine or Israel (for 1-13 weeks) while also pursuing a summer internship or volunteer opportunity, the Medicine and Healthcare Program can satisfy both requirements. This is especially true for university students looking to gain practical experience during their summer break while also assisting in clinics and hospitals in Palestine. 

Arabic Classes and Palestinian Culture

All of our international volunteers and interns in Palestine receive 3 hours of Arabic language lessons per week, or 12 hours per month with a Palestinian teacher. Volunteers can choose to learn Modern Standard or Colloquial Palestinian Arabic during their stay. All of our programs are geared toward English speakers, but for the sake of immersion, the higher the Arabic course level taken, the less English will be utilized in the classroom. 

These classes are designed so that participants may be better equipped to assist the people with whom they are working by connecting with them on a more fundamental level. Making the effort to learn the local language is also seen as a mark of respect for the culture, one that will be noted and appreciated by all those you meet. Volunteers will also have the opportunity to utilize their Arabic skills to the best of their ability while living in Hebron, ensuring that their time spent here will be a fully immersive experience. Volunteers will meet new people daily, giving them ample opportunity to practice the Arabic that they have learned in class. For more information on these options and advice on what is best for you, please see the contact information at the bottom of this article.

Life in Hebron

Residing in Hebron, you will also have the option to reside with a Palestinian host family (only guaranteed for female participants due to the conservative nature of Hebron). This opportunity is truly special since students will gain rare access to Palestinian culture, customs, and ways of life within the home. This ensures an immersive experience that accentuates the importance of culture in daily life. You may even take part in family activities, attend Palestinian cultural events, become familiar with daily life in Hebron, and so much more! 

Participants will find that the majority of Palestinians are incredibly friendly and open to foreigners. If medical volunteers utilize their Arabic skills, no matter how developed, they will find that most Palestinians are enthusiastic and patient communicators who are delighted that people have taken an interest in their language and culture. In addition, Palestine is located at the heart of the Levant, providing ample opportunities for visiting cultural sights, historical monuments, and many other landmarks. Although Palestine can at times face difficult situations, participants will find that the Palestinian people are friendly and open and that Palestine, in general, is a safe place to visit! 

A Day In The Life

Volunteering with Engage in Palestine requires commitment and flexibility. On average volunteers are expected to work approximately 30 hours per week, from 10 am to 5 pm. Participants will have two days off per week, one on Friday when our center is closed and another day of the participant’s choosing. The first week of the volunteer program will be spent adapting to life in Hebron and preparing for service in the volunteer’s field of expertise. During this first week, volunteers will also attend classes on Palestinian culture and the Arabic language, thus enabling them to better interact with Palestinians.

Daily Breakfast

Breakfast is provided every morning (except Fridays) at our center and typically consists of bread, olive oil and za’atar, hummus, labneh, baba ghanoush, falafel, cucumber, tomato, and bell pepper – all the essentials you will find in a traditional Palestinian morning meal. Engage in Palestine’s staff, volunteers, and interns all sit together during breakfast, which gives everyone a chance to touch base while also creating strong communal bonds.

Medical and Healthcare Activities 

Once settled in, medical volunteers will work predominantly on organizing educational workshops, conducting site visits, and volunteering in Palestinian hospitals. Workshops will focus on ensuring Palestinians are well-informed about their physical health consult with local medical students and will exchange information about medical practices. Volunteers with training in certain fields of healthcare such as dentists, physical therapists, pharmacists, nutritionists, and other specialists will be able to work with our center to organize free healthcare events for local Palestinians. These events could include information sessions, workout classes, medical checkups, and much more. Engage in Palestine works with local doctors and medical organizations to ensure that these healthcare events are conducted securely and safely for both volunteers and participants. In addition to their specific programs, Arabic classes will require some study and preparation. 

Excursions Into Hebron And Free Time

Our center also facilitates regular excursions into Hebron and neighboring cities throughout the week, connecting volunteers with local activists and organizations. Evenings are usually free, giving volunteers the chance to explore the City of Hebron and its many restaurants, shops, and historical sites on their own or in the company of their colleagues. All of this means that schedules tend to fill up quickly, and volunteers will find that their time in Palestine usually passes very quickly. 

What Do You Receive During Your Time In Palestine?

Volunteers in the Medicine and Healthcare Volunteer Program are entitled to the following benefits while participating in the program:

  • Three hours of Arabic lessons per week.
  • Assistance from attentive Arabic teachers, each with an excellent educational background.
  • Visits to Palestinian refugee camps and an active role in organizing activities for Palestinian children.
  • Experience working with non-profit organizations, hospitals, NGOs, and other medical organizations. 
  • Visits to human rights organizations in Palestine.
  • Exposure to daily life in Hebron and to Palestinian culture and society.
  • Accommodation with either a Palestinian host family (guaranteed for female volunteers) or in our male dormitory.
  • The opportunity to eat and enjoy local Palestinian foods and desserts.
  • Attendance at Palestinian cultural nights featuring entertainment and activities.
  • Opportunities to visit unique tourist attractions from a particularly native perspective, including Bethlehem, Ramallah, Nablus, Tulkarm, Qalqilyah, Jenin, and the Dead Sea near Jericho.
  • Access to nearby cities as well as in those in Jordan, including Akko, Herzliya, Beersheva, Eilat, Tiberias, Netanya, Safed, Haifa, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Masada, Amman, Aqaba, Wadi Rum and Nazareth.
  • A participant’s certificate upon completion.

Volunteer Requirements

Engage in Palestine does not discriminate on any basis; this includes nationality, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or any other discernible means. There are a few main criteria we request from participants:

  • Aged 18 years or over
  • Some experience in healthcare work
  • Ability to communicate in English
  • Patience and enthusiasm
  • Eagerness to learn

What Are Not the Requirements:

  • Medical qualification
  • Ability to speak or understand Arabic
  • English as a native language
  • Travel experience

What Does the Program Cover?

  • Arrival and pre-departure assistance
  • Accommodation
  • Language courses
  • Operating costs
  • Complimentary breakfast 5 days a week
  • Excursions in Hebron arranged by us, including the old city of Hebron, local hospitals, refugee camps, local universities, NGOs, etc
  • A certificate upon completion

All participants also pay a one-time registration fee. Program prices listed on this webpage are the complete and final costs students will pay; there are no hidden or additional fees.

General Information Overview

Program LocationHebron, Palestine 
Program FeesCheck the fees here
Age Limit18-70 years old
Duration1-13 weeks 
Program ComponentsMedicine and healthcare in the West Bank
Medical Workshops for Palestinians
Organization of free Center-led healthcare events
Number of Arabic Lessons Per Week3 hours in total
Duration of Arabic Lessons45 Minutes
Maximum Number of volunteers4
Program Focus Medicine and Healthcare in the West Bank
Start/End DatesFlexible to fit participant’s schedule
Application DeadlineNo deadline
University CreditAvailable
Program Language English

How To Apply

If you want to take part in our Medicine and Healthcare Program, please write to us at Info@ecpalestine.org. We should be able to respond to your initial inquiry within 1-3 business days. In the subject line of your email write “Volunteer in Medicine and Healthcare.” Upon responding we will attach an application form which you can fill out and return to us to begin the process.

Reviews and Awards

Engage in Palestine has been offering Arabic courses for non-native speakers since 2011. We have developed many Arabic immersion programs and online courses over the years. We use the most advanced teaching methods, which we develop and enhance year after year. Education is an active process always advancing, and you will be part of the development. 

Despite continuous program improvements to ensure the best learning experience, our core goal remains connecting, teaching, and developing individuals. Additionally, we aim to promote and encourage exchange in the local and international communities. 

We continue to strive towards excellence:

In 2022, we ranked as “one of the top three organizations worldwide in offering volunteer opportunities”. We also ranked as “one of the top three language schools worldwide” by Go Overseas. We also received a total of five Go Overseas Community Choice Awards. Among others, Engage in Palestine earned recognition as one of the top Teach Abroad Providers for the category of “benefits”. Besides that, we were also one of the Top Internship Abroad Providers for the categories of “growth” and “support”

In 2021, we were one of the top three volunteer programs in the world. Go Overseas awarded us the community choice awards in the categories of “best language school”, “fun”, and “teaching”.

In 2019, we received our inaugural “Go Overseas Community Choice Awards.” This award recognized Engage in Palestine’s positive effect on the global travel community.

Overall, Engage in Palestine is a highly-rated travel company.


The Volunteer in Medicine and Healthcare Program in the West Bank, Palestine is an ideal program for those looking to improve the health and well-being of the Palestinian people. Whether you are still a medical student, an experienced professional, a retiree, or have a passion for health and wellness, you can aid a community in need. Volunteers in this program will work closely with local hospitals, NGOs, and charity organizations to create workshops, and educational events, and overall ensure that Palestinians have full access to healthcare. 

Participants with specialized and certifiable medical training will even have the opportunity to organize free healthcare events to provide medical care to the local community. All volunteers will spend their time with Engage in Palestine not only making a positive impact on the Hebron community but joining it by learning Arabic, staying with host families, and gaining experience through increasingly important intercultural circumstances. We accept applications year-round, and we are ready to receive yours!

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Find Out More

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us: Info@ecpalestine.org and on Whatsapp:+972 599 479 880


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