Short-Term Internship Opportunities In The West Bank by Engage in Palestine: Interning in the West Bank in Palestine can be a unique and rewarding experience for anyone seeking to gain professional and personal development while getting the chance to explore a region rich in history and culture at the same time. Palestine is a fascinating and beautiful country in the Middle East, but it is also a country under occupation and with a complex political situation. So taking an internship in the West Bank can provide interns with opportunities to gain an understanding of the challenges and realities of life in Palestine while contributing to local Palestinian communities and organizations.

Keep reading to learn more about internships in the West Bank.

A Wide Range Of Internship Opportunities 

There is a wide range of short-term internship opportunities available in the West Bank, which can range from an internship placement in the fields of technology or business to social justice and human rights organizations. Interns may find placements from a range of different sources, such as local businesses, museums, international NGOs, smaller NGOs, or other organizations. This gives interns many opportunities to gain firsthand experience in a variety of fields.

Build Your Skillset In A Rich And Challenging Environment

Taking an internship in the West Bank can allow interns to work alongside experienced professionals and work in diverse teams while also building their skills and knowledge in addition to learning more about the various challenges that Palestinian society faces. A number of the challenges that Palestinians face are a result of the Israeli occupation and this is something interns will learn more about throughout their internship, both directly and indirectly.

A Truly Remarkable Experience

On top of that, internships in the West Bank present opportunities for interns to engage with local communities, experience Palestinian daily life as well as take in the West Bank’s natural beauty. Interns will also get to immerse themselves in Palestinian culture, cuisine, hospitality, and the Arabic language, as well as create memories and friendships to last a lifetime. 

With its unique blend of history, culture, and professional opportunities, internships in the West Bank offer the chance to have a truly remarkable experience.

What Are The Benefits Of Taking An Internship In The West Bank? 

Several advantages of taking an internship in the West Bank have overtaken an internship in your home country. The first of which is the opportunity to travel and live in a new, different, and exciting environment. Interning abroad will also help interns to become more independent, better problem solvers, more culturally sensitive and aware, as well as more adaptable. Employers like to see that potential employees can adapt to new situations and deal with difficult scenarios, so this work experience is very valuable to enhance your employability for your future career.

Another benefit, for those learning Arabic or wishing to learn Arabic, is that taking an internship in an Arabic-speaking country like Palestine will allow interns to immerse themselves in the Arabic language and develop their Arabic proficiency more quickly than they would be likely able to at home.

Additionally, interning in the West Bank will allow you to make a contribution to the local Palestinian community and have a positive impact. Palestinians suffer greatly due to the Israeli occupation, although this may not always be visible to international visitors. As a result, numerous organizations in the West Bank are set up to assist Palestinians with various facets of their lives.  

Where Can I Take A Short-Term Internship In The West Bank?

There are many high-profile cities in the West Bank – each with its own reputation and historical importance. In terms of the ones most applicable when looking for an internship in the West Bank, we would recommend looking for programs in Jerusalem, Hebron, Bethlehem, and the administrative capital, Ramallah. These represent the biggest cities (apart from Bethlehem which is a little smaller) and thus the places where you are most likely to find a rewarding short-term internship opportunity.

Where To Look For These Internship Opportunities

The internet is usually the best place to look for internship opportunities – most organizations, especially international NGOs will have their websites for recruitment. However, even social media sites like Facebook and Instagram can have posts from organizations advertising internship opportunities. You may also be able to find internship opportunities through your network at your current or former university. Whatever you choose, be sure to thoroughly do your research to ensure that you have the best possible experience.

Short-term Community Development Project Internships In The West Bank

One key field in the West Bank where there are many internships available, is community development. There are plenty of opportunities to aid in community development in the West Bank – particularly in the areas most affected by Occupation, including Palestinian refugee camps, where Palestinians who have no access to their ancestral lands have been living for decades. There are also Bedouin villages that are threatened with Israeli demolition orders, which present an opportunity to help build up the access of local communities to vital commodities like water, food, electricity, and the quality provision of education. 

Whether you are a teacher, an engineer, a plumber, or sports coach, or anyone else, there are plenty of projects you can undertake to help the local people in the West Bank and improve their quality of life. Whether you are starting a career, or taking a summer break from work – the main thing is that you should have a positive outlook and a genuine desire to help Palestinian people develop their communities in the ways that will help them most.

Short-Term Internship Opportunities With Engage in Palestine in Hebron 

Engage in Palestine, located in Hebron in the West Bank, offers a range of short-term internship opportunities on a flexible basis from one week up to three months. Opportunities include community development internships, medical volunteering internships, a journalism internship, and an English teaching program. 

Our Short-Term Internships And Volunteer Opportunities

Engage in Palestine offers a range of short programs, lasting from 1-13 weeks in a variety of different fields and available all year round. Our short-term internships and volunteer programs are perfect for anyone seeking a meaningful internship opportunity to fill their their summer break, gap year, or other time-limited period. 

You may learn more about each of the specific programs we provide by clicking the links in the table below.

Human Rights Internship ProgramPalestinian Laws & Legal Practices Internship
Palestine And Israel In Context InternshipThe Palestinian Culture Internship
Teach English In The West BankVolunteer With Palestinian Refugees In The West Bank 
Volunteer In Local Schools Volunteer With Palestinian Children
Volunteer In Media & Journalism In The West BankVolunteer In Medicine & Healthcare In The West Bank
Volunteer In Environment & ConservationVolunteer In A Sports Project 
Volunteer In Community DevelopmentVolunteer In Women’s Rights

Internship Inclusions

Internships include accommodation, Arabic lessons, daily breakfast (except Fridays), and visits around the city of Hebron as part of the package. A liaison manager oversees the work and development of interns to ensure it is a valuable opportunity for those seeking to progress in their careers. Similarly, each intern is assigned an Arabic tutor to oversee their language development, so that they can begin to communicate with the people of the West Bank, Palestine in their language. There are also frequent opportunities for cultural exchange and the chance to visit some of the other important, historical cities of Palestine and Israel in your free time as well.

Make Lasting Connections

Most volunteers have a fantastic time here with people generally praising the quality of the interactions between the permanent Palestinian staff and the international interns. Apart from a great environment for international long-lasting friendships, it also adds to the immersive language learning environment as interns can use the language they’ve learned in the classroom with their new Palestinian friends. It’s not uncommon for interns to stay in touch with each other and with the Palestinians they have met long after they have left the country!

Opportunities To Travel In Your Free Time

The opportunity to travel throughout Palestine, Israel, and Jordan is a key attraction for our international interns, particularly for those with a keen interest in the Middle East. Therefore, we provide you with two days off per week (generally Fridays and Saturdays) to explore and travel, and spend however else you wish. Most weekends, interns will arrange to spend the weekend away with other international participants from our center.  

There are many different local and international cities you can visit on your days off, including Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Jericho and the Dead Sea, Nablus, Tulkarem, Qalqiliyah, Jenin, Haifa, Eilat, Tel Aviv, Masada, Akko, Herzliya, Beersheva, Tiberias, Nazareth, Netanya, Safed, Amman, Aqaba and Wadi Rum.

Looking For A Summer Internship?

Anybody looking for summer internships in the Middle East, Palestine, Israel, or close to Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, or Bethlehem should consider interning with Engage in Palestine in the West Bank. Engage in Palestine, located in Hebron, is a local Palestinian organization with established ties to the community and is highly regarded and well-reviewed by our former participants. 

Flexible Short-Term Programs 

We offer a range of flexible short-term programs in the summer, which include internships, short-term volunteering programs, and intensive Arabic courses. Our summer programs are open to anyone over the age of 18 with an ability to communicate in English as well as an open mind and willingness to learn about Palestine. Our summer short-term internships have flexible durations (from 1-13 weeks) and flexible starting dates, throughout the summer. 

Ideal For Current Students

Our internship programs are particularly ideal for university students from around the world who may have short or long summer breaks. Current students are also able to earn academic credit provided by us by completing an internship. However, you don’t have to be a student to join us in the summer.

Make New Friends In Summer

Summer is when Engage in Palestine hosts its largest number of international interns, volunteers, and Arabic students, which means it is a wonderful time to meet many new people and forge personal and professional connections with others from all over the globe as well as with local Palestinians.

Immerse Yourself In Palestinian Culture

Interning with Engage in Palestine in the summer is a wonderful opportunity to travel, make new friends, be immersed in Palestinian culture, and learn Arabic throughout an internship. Your summer internships will include excursions in and around Hebron, such as to Susiya, a Bedouin area, refugee camps for Palestinians, adjacent villages, various community groups, and the old city of Hebron. This enables you to interact and learn from residents of Hebron from various backgrounds who are experiencing difficult circumstances as a result of Israeli occupation.

Hone Your Talents With Real-World Experience

Finally, you will be able to hone your talents and acquire useful real-world experience as a summer intern in an engaging setting. This is in addition to getting to learn about various facets of Palestinian life, exploring the local area, and meeting many new people from all over the world.

The Benefits Of Taking An Internship With Engage In Palestine

There are numerous other benefits to taking an internship with Engage in Palestine in addition to those already stated. 

Before you even start your internship, we provide you with pre-departure support and then ongoing in-country support after you arrive in Palestine. Additionally, we provide accommodation for you which means there is less for you to worry about. During your internship, you will get to live in the fascinating city of Hebron and immerse yourself in Palestinian culture and daily life. We also schedule two days off per week for you, giving you ample time to rest or explore nearby cities. 

Another benefit is that we include a daily Palestinian breakfast at our center, from Saturday through Thursday, to help you start your day off right. We also provide all of our interns with Arabic lessons to help them adapt to their new surroundings and learn to communicate with local Palestinians in their language. Our native Arabic teachers also speak English and will teach you one-on-one or in a small group in an immersive and friendly environment. 

The trips and excursions we take you on in and around Hebron are another key benefit. We arrange the transport and logistics for you, so you can go along on the trips to learn and have fun without having to worry about making the arrangements. These trips are included as part of your program, so you won’t have to pay extra to do things such as taking a guided tour of the old city of Hebron. 

After your internship, the Engage in Palestine team will provide you with a certificate to reflect your completion of your internship. We can also provide you with a letter of reference and academic credit towards your studies (for current university students) if you would like.

Internships That Have Positive Impacts

At Engage in Palestine, we aim to make a long-term difference with all of our volunteer and internship programs, for both the Palestinian local community and you through the exchange of ideas and “walking in each other’s shoes”. All of our programs are well-researched and targeted to ensure they have a real impact and foster shared learning for both our community and you.

Short-term internships with Engage in Palestine offer a special chance to get practical experience, hone professional abilities, and fully immerse oneself in a vibrant cultural environment. As such, participating in an internship with us can significantly advance your professional and personal development as well as make a positive difference to the local Palestinian community.

You will have the ability to work together and take part in initiatives that engage and benefit the local Palestinian community while you are an intern with us. Along with all the worthwhile and interesting experiences you will have, your internship will help you develop personal and professional connections that will improve both your life and the lives of people around you.

Reviews and Awards

Engage in Palestine has been offering Arabic courses for non-native speakers since 2011. We have developed many Arabic immersion programs and online courses over the years. We use the most advanced teaching methods, which we develop and enhance year after year. Education is an active process always advancing, and you will be part of the development. 

Despite continuous program improvements to ensure the best learning experience, our core goal remains connecting, teaching, and developing individuals. Additionally, we aim to promote and encourage exchange in the local and international communities. 

We continue to strive towards excellence:

In 2022, we ranked as “one of the top three organizations worldwide in offering volunteer opportunities”. We also ranked as “one of the top three language schools worldwide” by Go Overseas. We also received a total of five Go Overseas Community Choice Awards. Among others, Engage in Palestine earned recognition as one of the top Teach Abroad Providers for the category of “benefits”. Besides that, we were also one of the Top Internship Abroad Providers for the categories of “growth” and “support”

In 2021, we were one of the top three volunteer programs in the world. Go Overseas awarded us the community choice awards in the categories of “best language school”, “fun”, and “teaching”.

In 2019, we received our inaugural “Go Overseas Community Choice Awards.” This award recognized Engage in Palestine’s positive effect on the global travel community.

Overall, Engage in Palestine is a highly-rated travel company.


Engage in Palestine, located in Hebron, offers internship opportunities in the West Bank that enable interns to gain valuable experience across a variety of fields while learning about Palestinian culture and history. Interns can choose from a range of areas, including law, human rights, journalism, teaching English, and more. All of Engage in Palestine’s internship programs offer flexible schedules and cultural immersion activities which will ensure that participants’ experiences are meaningful and enriching. Volunteer in Palestine also provides accommodation and Arabic language classes for all interns and international participants.

In addition to advancing participants’ professional growth, internships with Engage in Palestine also facilitate opportunities for interns to engage with the local Palestinian community and learn about the daily realities of life in Palestine. Interns will get to interact with Palestinians and other international participants from diverse backgrounds. These experiences allow interns to develop their cross-cultural communication skills and gain a deeper understanding of the issues that shape Palestine and the Middle East more broadly. 

Through the range of activities that interns will engage in, interns will be able to broaden their understanding of the social, cultural, and political environment that they are working in. As well as to acquire the skills and knowledge needed to be effective agents of change in their communities. Ultimately, interning with Engage in Palestine can be a rewarding and life-changing experience for interns, both personally and professionally. 

We look forward to welcoming your application for a short-term internship with us here at Engage in Palestine in Hebron at some point soon very shortly!

Find Out More

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us: and on Whatsapp:+972 599 479 880


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