Volunteer Opportunities In Law And Human Rights In Palestine by Engage in Palestine: Many people interested in human rights and international law take an interest in the Middle East particularly in Palestine, due to the unique and horrific situation due to Palestine being under Israeli occupation. There are daily human rights abuses and violations of international law committed by Israel against Palestine and Palestinians. These are rarely covered in mainstream media and when they do receive attention, the facts are distorted or omitted and the situation is portrayed through very biased, orientalist, and colonial lenses.  

Many people around the world with an awareness about the Occupation and the Palestinian Issue want to do something to help, but may not know where to start. Particularly for those interested in careers or dedicating a significant portion of their life to working in human rights, international law, humanitarian aid, with refugees, and so on, volunteering in Palestine can be both an eye-opening experience and an opportunity to make a meaningful difference. 

In this article, we will share some important information when it comes to volunteering in the law and/or human rights fields in Palestine. 

The Need For Law And Human Rights Volunteers In Palestine

Palestine is undergoing a horrific occupation by Israel, which causes a plethora of issues and challenges for the local population of Palestinians. Since the majority of Palestinians reside in regions subject to Israeli military law, those parts of the West Bank that are most affected by the Israeli occupation often experience the worst violations of human rights. 

Due to Israel’s restrictions on them, it is especially challenging for large international legal or human rights NGOs to work in the region and help individuals in need. Also, these firms may have trouble finding qualified foreign workers because it can be difficult for them to get the necessary work permits, which must be issued by Israel. This increases the reliance on and demand of short-term international volunteers, who are in most cases able to obtain a 90-day tourist visa upon arrival. 

Where To Volunteer In This Area?

While Palestine is relatively small in terms of land mass, there are many places where volunteers can make a meaningful impact, such as in bigger cities and small villages. 

Jerusalem And The West Bank

Larger cities such as Ramallah and Jerusalem are more Westernized and have a significant expat population as well as greater infrastructure and opportunities for volunteers. Hebron is also a large city with a lot of infrastructure and volunteer opportunities but with a much more affordable cost of living compared to Ramallah especially Jerusalem. Remember to take into consideration that Hebron along with Nablus are the most conservative cities in the West Bank and while alcohol is not illegal, it is not socially acceptable to consume. 

There are also law and human rights volunteer opportunities in refugee camps, Bedouin communities, and smaller cities such as Bethlehem, Nablus, and Jericho. Depending on the specific volunteer initiatives you wish to work on, there may be one location that is more suitable for you, as the different areas in the West Bank are impacted in a range of different ways by the Israeli occupation. Or if you care more about the place you will be living, then it is advisable to choose the location that meets your needs the best. 


However, one area that international volunteers will find it virtually impossible to volunteer in is Gaza. While the situation in Gaza is extremely severe and is exacerbated as a result of the ongoing Israeli blockade and siege of Gaza, this also prevents almost all international and non-Gaza Palestinians from entering Gaza, unless they can obtain special permission from Israel. 

This means that Gaza is off-limits but the West Bank is very accessible to international volunteers and visitors, as well as being a very safe place for them.

Finding The Right Organization To Volunteer With

It is always advisable to carefully consider and thoroughly research any international internship or volunteer program that has taken your interest before applying or signing up. This is so you can ensure that your time and money will be well-invested into the right organization and volunteering project for you. Balancing finding the kind of volunteer work you wish to do, with a quality and supportive organization in the right location will help make your experience more impactful and fulfilling. 

Read The Program Information Carefully

Additionally, reading the volunteer program information very carefully is a must. It sounds like common sense, but it is something that several people often overlook. This will help you have the right expectations for your volunteer experience and know what is and isn’t included. This will help you avoid coming to Palestine only to realize that the experience you are having isn’t what you signed up for. 

Preparing For A Law/Human Rights Volunteer Role

Once you have found the right program, it’s time to start preparing for your trip. There are several things we recommend you do to prepare that we outline below.

Arrange Flights And Travel Insurance

You will need to make arrangements for things like flights and travel insurance; it’s always a good idea to compare prices before deciding to locate the cheapest deal. Since there are no airports in the West Bank, we advise booking tickets to Tel Aviv Ben Gurion (TLV) airport instead. From there, it is quite easy to go to the West Bank. 

Research Local Customs And Culture

Palestine is a fascinating country with thousands of years of history and diverse cultures, it is also very likely that it’s very different from your home country. We advise that you do some research about the local customs before you arrive, this will better prepare you as well as help to limit any culture shock. It’s also very important so that you know what you should and should not pack. For instance, It is not acceptable for example to wear shorts or drink alcohol in some of the more conservative areas of the West Bank.

Research The Weather To Help You Pack Appropriately

Depending on the time of year you are volunteering in Palestine, the weather can be vastly different. This is a very important consideration when packing your bags, not only in terms of clothing but also sunscreen, bug spray, medication, and shoes. 

Palestine’s winters may be rather wet and chilly, and it’s frequently colder than most visitors anticipate. In Palestine, central heating is quite uncommon, and homes are typically constructed to keep heat out. This means that throughout the winter, especially at night, it’s frequently colder inside than outside, making it crucial to have a lot of warm gear. 

Summer temperatures can rise to 35-40°C, although the heat is typically dry and not muggy, and rain rarely falls during the summer. So consider these elements when choosing your outfits.

Volunteering With Engage In Palestine In Hebron, Palestine 

One fantastic option for those looking to volunteer in Palestine can be taking a volunteer program in the fields of law and/or human rights with Engage in Palestine, located in Hebron in the West Bank, Palestine. Engage in Palestine is well-regarded and highly reviewed by former participants. We offer a range of flexible volunteer opportunities in many fields, including law and human rights that allow participants to gain first-hand experience in the West Bank.

Volunteer In The Local Community For Up To Three Months 

Engage In Palestine runs a combined law and human rights volunteering program as well as separate versions of each track to channel help to where it’s needed most. International volunteers can work with us for one week right up to three months to work with the local community, providing awareness of fundamental human rights and how to exercise them in the face of Israeli aggression. 

Applicants with a background in law or human rights are preferred, but Engage in Palestine looks to welcome all those who can help in any capacity.

Why Hebron?

Hebron is of particular importance as it is the only city in the occupied West Bank that has Israeli settlers living inside the city itself as well as numerous Israeli military checkpoints inside the city. Many Palestinians have to pass through these checkpoints either regularly or daily, which can be life-threatening to Palestinians as well as a humiliating experience as Palestinians, including children, are routinely harassed and body-searched by the Israeli army. 

Note that we are located in a part of Hebron (H1) under Palestinian Authority Control where there are no checkpoints, but there are checkpoints within walking distance.

Human Rights Abuses And Abuses of the Law In Palestine 

The Israeli Occupation commits a huge range of human rights abuses and abuses of international law against Palestinians. These occur throughout Palestine, but one of the worst local areas for this is in the H2 part of Hebron city where Palestinians are subjugated under Israeli military law, rather than civil law. One of the results of this is a +99% conviction rate of cases involving Palestinian defendants, who are denied the due process they should be given under international law. 

However, this isn’t limited to the city of Hebron. There are areas in the surrounding countryside like Sousia, which is a Bedouin village under an Israeli demolition order, and other villages in the south of the West Bank where electricity and water are carefully regulated by the Israelis and abuses of human rights and international law by Israel are rife.

In addition, the Israeli Occupation continues a policy from the former British Occupation of Palestine, called Administrative Detention. Under Administrative Detention, Israel arbitrarily arrests Palestinians at any moment and imprisons them without charge, trial, or evidence indefinitely, for up to six months at a time and on a renewable basis. Palestinians can remain in Israeli Occupation prisons for years under this policy. Palestinian administrative detainees are left with little to no legal recourse and sometimes go on hunger strikes (that can last over 100 days) as their only means to achieve their freedom. 

Your Human Rights Or Laws Program

During your program, Engage in Palestine will provide you with numerous opportunities to meet with activists, lawyers, judges, and prominent individuals involved in human rights and the legal field to provide tangible insight into the problems (and sometimes solutions) of human rights and laws here. 

Our programs are very valuable for your own experience as well as for your CV to show prospective employers that you have real-life experience in an overseas, intercultural setting and a challenging environment like Palestine.  

On top of this, part of your program involves running workshops, particularly targeted towards Palestinian youth and students, about any topics in the human rights or legal fields that you have relevant expertise in that will benefit them. For example, a possible workshop could be about raising awareness for individuals of their rights and what they can do when these rights are violated.

Our Volunteer Opportunities in Law and Human Rights in Palestine, and more

Engage in Palestine offers a variety of volunteer and internship programs in the fields of law and human rights to cater to those with different fields of study, specializations, or interests. It is also possible to combine different programs during your time with us. You may find out more about our program in these fields by clicking the links below.

Human Rights Internship ProgramPalestinian Laws & Legal Practices Internship
Palestine And Israel In Context InternshipThe Palestinian Culture Internship
Teach English In The West BankVolunteer With Palestinian Refugees In The West Bank 
Volunteer In Local Schools Volunteer With Palestinian Children
Volunteer In Media & Journalism In The West BankVolunteer In Medicine & Healthcare In The West Bank
Volunteer In Environment & ConservationVolunteer In A Sports Project 
Volunteer In Community DevelopmentVolunteer In Women’s Rights

Flexible Program Duration And Timing 

Engage in Palestine offers all our participants a great degree of flexibility when it comes to their programs. We offer our programs year-round and give our participants the flexibility to choose their own start and end dates. Additionally, you may choose how long you wish to participate, from 1 week up to 13 weeks. 13 weeks is the maximum due to the 90-day limitation of the Israeli tourist visa.

Target Groups Within The Palestinian Community

Engage in Palestine has worked since our founding in 2011 to build ties with the local community to make a difference in their lives and build a better future for our community members. We aim to make a difference in the lives of people from diverse backgrounds through our community initiatives as well as volunteer programs and internships. In particular, these groups include but are not limited to Palestinian refugees, Palestinian school and university students, Palestinian children, Palestinian women, and Palestinian men and women living in the H2 area of Hebron (an area that Israeli settlers have partially taken over and live next to Palestinians). 

has the community links to ensure you meet the right people and you do everything you can (and are willing) to help the plight of those who are suffering abuses.

Summer Law And Human Rights Programs

Engage in Palestine offers students and others a summer break and a range of impactful volunteer opportunities in law and human rights in Palestine, more specifically in a safe and fun environment in Hebron. Our summer programs are particularly ideal for anyone seeking summer volunteer or internship opportunities in the areas of the Middle East, Palestine, Israel, or close to the cities of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, or Bethlehem. 

This allows you to spend your summer making a difference in the fields of law and human rights in Palestine, traveling, learning some Arabic, and making new friends. During the summer, you will gain real-life experience in the fields of law and/or human rights in Palestine, which will help make your CV stand out. It will also give you the chance to develop very valuable skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, teamwork, adaptability, intercultural communication, and more. 

During our summer law and human rights volunteer programs, we will also take you on visits in and around Hebron, to Bedouin areas (such as Susiya), Palestinian refugee camps, local villages, various local organizations as well as around the old city of Hebron. This will also help you meet people from diverse backgrounds in Hebron living in differing and difficult circumstances due to the Israeli occupation.

Create A Meaningful Impact In Your Life And The Lives Of Others

We aim to make a long-term difference with all of our volunteer and internship programs, for both you and the Palestinian local community, including Palestinian children, women, men, and refugees. All of our Law and Human Rights internship programs are well-researched, targeted, and sustainable to have a meaningful impact and foster shared learning for both our community and you. 

Volunteering or interning in the West Bank in short-term law and human rights volunteer programs is a unique opportunity to make a difference in your life as well as those around you. There are a variety of ways you can make an impact, such as by working on projects and initiatives either in partnership with local organizations or by working directly with Palestinian youth or other segments of the local Palestinian community. You will also have many chances to develop relationships with Palestinians, which can be mutually fruitful, both personally and professionally.  

Throughout your program, you will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in Palestinian culture and daily life while learning directly from Palestinians about the country’s current political and human rights situation. You will gain more knowledge and be better equipped to significantly improve both your own life and the lives of local Palestinians. 

Applicants with a background in law, legal issues, or Palestinian human rights are preferred, but the Excellence Center looks to welcome all who can assist in any capacity

The Other Benefits Of Taking A Human Rights Program With Us 

On top of giving participants first-hand experience and knowledge about law and human rights in Palestine, Engage in Palestine offers numerous other benefits. You can read more about some of these below.

Learn Arabic As Part Of Your Program

To help our participants learn some of the local languages to better integrate into the local Palestinian community and make the most of their time in Hebron, we include Arabic lessons. Typically our volunteer and internship programs come with three hours of Arabic classes per week included, with the option to add extra hours for an additional fee.  

Our well-qualified native Arabic teachers speak English and teach their classes either one-on-one or in small groups (2-5 students). This allows them to personalize their lessons to your level of Arabic, whether you are advanced or have never studied Arabic before. You may choose to learn either the local dialect of Modern Standard Arabic and your teacher will create a friendly and supportive environment for you to learn in. 

Engage With The Local Palestinian Community

We include as part of our short-term programs in law and human rights, several visits in and around Hebron to culturally, politically, or historically important places and organizations. This gives you a chance to engage with the local Palestinian community, and gain a greater knowledge and understanding about Palestinian culture as well as the legal and human rights situations in Palestine.  

Some of the visits we organize are to places such as the old city of Hebron, refugee camps, local artists, the keffiyeh factory, glass and ceramics factories, various local organizations including human rights organizations, and more.

On top of this, you will have some free time each day, as well as two days off per week so that you can explore on your own or with your new friends. Palestinians are very friendly and welcoming people, so you will have ample opportunities to meet and connect with Palestinians.

Accommodation Is Provided For You

Engage in Palestine includes accommodation for each international volunteer and intern as they engage in volunteer opportunities in law and human rights in Palestine.

Generally, female participants will live with a local Palestinian host family in the Hebron area. While male participants will in most cases, share an all-male dorm organized by us. It is often a challenge to place male students with a Palestinian host family, due to the conservative nature of Hebron, however it can be possible at times. If you are interested in this option, let us know as early as possible. 

A third option is private accommodation, which we can arrange for you for an additional cost.

A Daily Palestinian Breakfast Is Included

Each day (except Fridays), we provide a Palestinian breakfast at our center, shared between our staff, teachers as well as international volunteers, interns, and Arabic students.

Two Days Off Each Week To Travel And Explore

Traveling throughout Palestine, Israel and Jordan is a big draw for many of our participants, as such we provide you with two days off in your schedule each week, usually Friday and Saturday.  This gives you plenty of time to either organize solo trips or travel with other international volunteers, interns, and Arabic students from our center. 

There are a range of different local and international cities you can visit, including Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Jericho and the Dead Sea, Nablus, Tulkarem, Qalqiliyah, Jenin, Haifa, Eilat, Tel Aviv, Masada, Akko, Herzliya, Beersheva, Tiberias, Nazareth, Netanya, Safed, Amman, Aqaba and Wadi Rum. 

Pre-Departure And In-Country Support

We know that traveling abroad to volunteer or intern can seem daunting and it’s understandable if you have a lot of questions. So we assist you by providing pre-departure support and then ongoing in-country support after your arrival throughout your program.

We Can Provide Academic Credit

For current university students seeking academic credit for their participation in a short-term human rights or law program, we can provide this for you thanks to our partnership with the Palestinian Ministry of Education. If you are interested, just let us know and we can tell you more and make the necessary arrangements.

A Certificate Of Completion

Finally, we provide all of our international participants with a certificate upon completion of their volunteer or internship program.

Reviews and Awards

Engage in Palestine has been offering volunteer opportunities in law and human rights in Palestine since 2011. We have developed many Arabic immersion programs and online courses over the years. We use the most advanced teaching methods, which we develop and enhance year after year. Education is an active process always advancing, and you will be part of the development. 

Despite continuous program improvements to ensure the best learning experience, our core goal remains connecting, teaching, and developing individuals. Additionally, we aim to promote and encourage exchange in the local and international communities. 

We continue to strive towards excellence:

In 2022, we ranked as “one of the top three organizations worldwide in offering volunteer opportunities”. We also ranked as “one of the top three language schools worldwide” by Go Overseas. We also received a total of five Go Overseas Community Choice Awards. Among others, Engage in Palestine earned recognition as one of the top Teach Abroad Providers for the category of “benefits”. Besides that, we were also one of the Top Internship Abroad Providers for the categories of “growth” and “support”

In 2021, we were one of the top three volunteer programs in the world. Go Overseas awarded us the community choice awards in the categories of “best language school”, “fun”, and “teaching”.

In 2019, we received our inaugural “Go Overseas Community Choice Awards.” This award recognized Engage in Palestine’s positive effect on the global travel community.

Overall, Engage in Palestine is a highly-rated travel company.

In Conclusion

Undertaking one of the volunteer opportunities in law and human rights in Palestine can be a life-changing experience for volunteers and give them the chance to have a meaningful impact. The situation in Palestine is very severe as well as urgent and individuals who are principled and passionate can contribute to making a difference. 

Engage in Palestine in Hebron, Palestine, offers a variety of short-term volunteer programs in the human rights and legal fields as well as others. These volunteer experiences will allow you to gain practical on-the-ground experience in your chosen field or fields as well as develop your skillset and they also allow you to form lasting connections with Palestinians. This will make a difference in the lives of others, your own life and you can even make a difference when you go back home with the new knowledge and experience you have gained about Palestine. 

During your law and/or human rights program with us, we will provide accommodation daily breakfast (except Fridays), and Arabic classes to help integrate you into the community and make the adjustment easier. We also include trips to a range of important sites, areas, and organizations in Hebron as well as meetings with relevant and key organizations and figures. You will also have the chance to work on your initiatives, such as creating and facilitating workshops for local Palestinians to share your relevant expertise in law and/or human rights for their benefit. 

We hope to welcome you to Engage in Palestine soon to volunteer on the vitally important topics of law or human rights!

Find Out More

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us: Info@ecpalestine.org and on Whatsapp:+972 599 479 880


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